AP SSC 10th class General Science 2 Model paper 2015-16 English Medium Set 10
1.What does the pulse rate show ?
2.Why more urine is produced in winter ?
3.Why anger is a short living factor ?
4.What makes the movement of food bolus in the oesophagus easy ?
5.How can wells be recharged in your area ?
6.What are the 3 ‘R’s that help in controlling the rate of environmental degradation ?
Group – A
7.Explain the necessary conditions for autotrophic nutrition and what are its by products ?
8.Distinguish between Aerobic and Anaerobic respiration.
9.Phloem is a food source for some animals. How can you justify this statement ?
10.Organs respond to the external stimulus by a fraction of second. How do you feel about such controlling mechanism of human body ?
Group – B
11.What are the advantages of vegetative propagation ? . ‘
12.If the size of the small intestine is like Oesophagus, what will happen ?
13.Write a short note on theory of “Natural selection”.
14.Find out the reasons for floods in a city or big town and suggest some measures to check it.
Group – A
15.Observe the given experiment carefully and answer the following questions.
a)What is the aim of the above experiment ?
b)What is combustion ?
c)What are the end products of combustion ?
d)What do you require to perform this experiment in your science laboratory ?
16.Explain the light independent reaction of photosynthesis.
17.Prepare a block diagram showing from water absorption by roots to transpiration by leaf.
18.A person’s two kidneys are spoiled. There is no donor for him to transplant kidney. What method the doctors will follow to save his life ? Write detail procedure.
Group – B
19.some major plant hormones and their functions in a tabular form.
20.How will you appreciate cell division that helps in perpetuation of life ?
21.One researcher wants to cross pure tall plants (TT) with pure dwarf (tt) plant, what would be the F, and F2 generations ? Explain.
22.What are fossil fuels ? What measures should be taken to conserve oil ? What will happen if we do not conserve it ?
23.Draw a neat and labelled diagram of peristaltic movements of bolus in the food pipe.
24. Draw a neat and labelled diagram showing the diffusion pathway for gaseous exchange between lung and blood capillaries
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