AP SSC 10th class General Science 2 Model paper 2015-16 English Medium Set 2
1.The substances produced in plants are of two types, primary metabolites and secondary metabolites. Give an example for each type. .
2.What happens if blood platelets are absent in blood ?
3.Write the phenotypic and genotypic ratios of Mendel’s cross-pollination experiments in pea plants with heterozygous yellow seeds (Yy) with that of the same type, i.e., Yy.
4.Write two sentences about insulin hormone using the data collected from your school library.
5.Suggest an alternative method for using pesticides to save the crops from pests.
6.By taking two plants of your surroundings as examples, explain how they protect themselves against the animals which eat them.
Group – A
7.Differentiate the reactions that take place in presence of light and the reactions which do not require light in photosynthesis.
8.Define and explain Variations with examples.
9.What questions will you ask a doctor to know about endocrine glands ?
10.In Meiosis, the chromosome number in the daughter cells are reduced to half that of their parent cells. Guess, what would happen, if the reduction of chromosome number is not done.
Group – B
11.Using the data collected by you, from internet and other sources, make a report on coagulation of blood.
12.In the food pipe, the food bolus is propelled into the stomach by peristaltic movement.Represent this action with a diagram. .
13.How do you feel when you realize that plants respond to the stimuli of their surroundings ?
14.Rahul remarked that different human activities are responsible for global warming. What might be the reasons for his statement ?
Group – A
15.Answer the following questions by observing the’ diagram showing the experiment :
A)What will you prove by this experiment ?
B)What apparatus do you use in this experiment ?
C)What would be the results if the experiment is done in shadow ?
D)What will you do to obtain result from the experiment ?
16.Even though both are oxidation processes, combustion and respiration are different in many aspects. Explain those differences.
17.Explain how do plants get water from soil through their root hairs.
18.Write about respiration in mangroves that grow in marshy lands
Group – B
19.Give reasons :
A)Hunger generating signals reach the brain when stomach gets empty.
B)When your stomach is filled with full of food, you feel you don’t need food any more.
C)In severe cold and cough, one cannot feel the taste of the food.
D)We cannot identify the taste of a grape fruit, when it is placed on the tongue.
20.Forest is a renewable resource. But, each year, the Earth loses about 36 million acres of forest. In this type of situation, what suggestions do you give to save forests from turning into non-renewable resources ?
21.Fossils are the precious evidences preserved by the nature to help us knowing about ancient life forms. Write the information you collected about fossils.
22.All the living things have the right to live on this earth along with us. Prepare slogans to promote awareness in public about the conservation of bio-diversity.
23.Draw a diagram of a Nephron, and explain its structure.
24.Answer the questions by observing the diagram :
A)What are the four main parts of a flower ?
B)Which part produce gametes ?
C)Which part help in pollination ?
D)Which part protect the flower during its bud stage ?
E)Which part will turn into a fruit in the future ?
1.The substances produced in plants are of two types, primary metabolites and secondary metabolites. Give an example for each type.
Ans.1. Primary Metabolites : Ex. Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats.
2.Secondary Metabolites : Ex. Alkaloids, Resins, Tanins, Gums.
2.What happens if blood platelets are absent in blood ?
Ans.i) Blood clotting cannot be takes place.
ii) So blood bleeding from the injuries occurs continuously leads to death.
3.Write the phenotypic and genotypic ratios of Mendel’s cross-pollination experiments in pea plants with heterozygous yellow seeds (Yy) with that of the same type, i.e., Yy.
Ans.i) Phenotypic Ratio is 3 : 1 ii) Genotypic Ratio is 1 : 2 : 1
4.Write two sentences about insulin hormone using the data collected from your school library.
Ans.1. Insulin harmone is secreted from Islets of the Langerhans cells of pancreas.
2.It regulates the glucose levels in the blood.
3.Deficiency of Insulin leads to a Metabolic disorder is called Diabetes Mellitus (Sugar Disease)
5.Suggest an alternative method for using pesticides to save the crops from pests.
Ans.1. Rotation of crops 2. Studying the life histories of pests 3.Biological Control 4.Sterility 5. Genetic Strains
6.By taking two plants of your surroundings as examples, explain how they protect themselves against the animals which eat them.
Ans.1. Neem Tree : Neem leaves contain an alkaloid Nimbin to-protect themselves from the animals which eat them. ,
2.Cactus : They have thorns to protect themselves. ‘
3.Datura : Datura leaves gives bad odour.
Group – A
7. Differentiate the reactions that take place in presence of light and the reactions which do not require light in photosynthesis.
8.Define and explain Variations with examples.
Ans.Variations : Differences in characters within very closely related groups of organisms are referred to as variations. (OR)
Differences among living beings are called variations.
Ex : 1. Earlobes in some humans are free and in others attached. .
2.Colour of eyes (cornea) in some people are blue and in others black.
3.Colour of skin is black or white
9.What questions will you ask a doctor to know about endocrine glands ?
Ans.1. Which are known as Endocrine glands ?
2.Where can we find endocrine glands in our body ?
3.What do you call chemical substances secreted by Endocrine glands ?
4.Which endocrine gland is attached to the brain ?
5.hat are the functions of Endocrine glands ?
6.What will happened if Endocrine glands are absent ?
10.In Meiosis, the chromosome number in the daughter cells are reduced to half that of their parent cells. Guess, what would happen, if the reduction of chromosome number is not done.
Ans.1. If the reduction of chromosomes number is not done, the chromosomal number is doubled in the offsprings.
2.The change in chromosomal number changes completely the characters in the individual.
3.The offspring differs to parental generation.
4.Abnormal characters will be formed in new generation, which are not useful for the existence of individual.
Group -B
11.Using the data collected by you, from internet and other sources, make a report on coagulation of blood.
Ans.1. The process of clotting of blood from the blood vessels when a person injured is known as blood coagulation. Blood platelets starts the process of blood coagulation.
2.When the blood flows out, the platelets release an enzyme called “Thrombokinase”.
3.Thrombokinase acts on prothrombin converting it into thrombin.
12.In the food pipe, the food bolus is propelled into the stomach by peristaltic movement.Represent this action with a diagram
13.How do you feel when you realize that plants respond to the stimuli of their surroundings ?
Ans.1. It is very interesting arid amazing to observe trophic and nastic movements of plants in our surroundings.
2. For example, the bending of shoots of creepers towards light kept near the window.
3.The plant roots always grow downwards.
4.The creepers like cucumber and bittergourds develops tendrils in response to contact or touch.
5. Butterflies fluttering around the flowers for nectar.
14.Rahul remarked that different human activities are responsible for global warming.What might be the reasons for his statement ?
Ans. 1. Deforestation
2.Industrialisation and Urbanization
3. Convertion of agriculture lands into residential areas.
4. Home appliances like A/C, Refrigerators, vehicle pollution,
5. Population explosion. .
Group – A
15.Answer the following questions by observing the diagram showing the experiment:
A)What will you prove by this experiment
B)What apparatus do you use in this experiment ? ,
C)What would be the results if the experiment is done in shadow ?
D)What will you do to obtain result from the experiment ? s lit
Ans.a) To prove oxygen is released during photosynthesis ;
b)1) Beaker 2) Test-tube 3) Funnel 4) Hydrilla Plant
c)No change in the water level of the Test-tube. No photosynthesis occurs. No air bubbles are formed.
d)If the burning splinter is kept near the mouth of test tube bums brightly.
16.Even though both are oxidation processes, combustion and respiration are different in many aspects. Explain those differences.
17.Explain how do plants get water from soil through their root hairs.
Ans.1. Root hair plays an important role in absorption of water by osmosis.
2.Root hairs grow out into the space between the soil particles and that the hairs are surrounded by moisture.
3.The soil water is more dilute than that of the cell sap in the root hair. Therefore water will pass into the vacuole of the root hair by osmosis.
4.The entry of water dilutes the contents of the root hair vacuole so that it becomes weaker than its neighbour cell.
5.Therefore water passes into the neighbouring cell which inturn becomes diluted finally water enters the xylem vessels.
18.Write about respiration in mangroves that grow in marshy lands.
Ans.1. Mangroves grows near the marshy places respire through aerial roots or respiratory roots.
2.The root hairs exchange the gases from their surface.
3.They obtain oxygen from the airspaces present between the soil particles.
4.The plants grows in marshy places are adapted to develop aerial roots above the soil surface which helps in gaseous exchange.
Group – B
19.Give reasons :
A)Hunger generating signals reach the brain when stomach gets empty.
B)When your stomach is filled with full of food, you feel you don’t need food any more.
C)In severe cold and cough, one cannot feel the taste of the food.
D)We cannot identify the taste of a grape fruit, when it is placed on the tongue.
Ans.A) Ghrelin is secreted from walls of the stomach.
B)Leptin Hormone is secreted which suppresses hunger.
C)During cold olfactory receptors are blocked.
D)We cannot taste the grapes because it is not in the liquid state.
20.Forest is a renewable resource. But, each year, the Earth loses about 36 million acres of forest. In this type of situation, what suggestions do you give to save forests from turning into non-renewable resources ?
Ans.1. Forests are the lungs of the world. So I will suggest the following measures to save forests from turning into non-renewable resources.
2.Sustainable forestry practices for ensuring resources into the future.
3.Low impact logging practices, harvesting with natural regeneration in mind.
4.Prevention of removing all the high value trees or all the largest trees from the forests.
5.Recycling methods should be adopted.
6.Replace wood products with alternative sources.
7.Preventing forest fires.
8.Implementing methods like agro-forestry, social forestry, crop rotation, green plantation etc. are essential
21.Fossils are the precious evidences preserved by the nature to help us knowing about ancient life forms. Write the information you collected about fossils.
Ans.1. Fossils are the evidences of ancient life forms or ancient habitates which have been preserved by natural processes.
2.Fossils provide information about what lived in the past.
3.Palentologists determine the age of fossils by using carbon-dating method.
4.They convey us about genetic condition, heredity characters through inactive chromosomes which are present in them.
5.They give a detailed information about their diet, life styles, shape of body, etc.
6.Fossils provide the information about how species have changed across long periods of the earth history.
22.All the living things have the right to live on this earth along with us. Prepare slogans to promote awareness in public about the conservation of bio-diversity.
Ans.1.Live and let live
2.Conserve nature – conserve life .
3.Clean the environment, live happily
4.Think eco-friendly and live eco-friendly
5.If we protect the environment, it protects us.
6.Reduce pollutions – Consume the bio-diversity.
23.Draw a diagram of a Nephron, and explain its structure.
Ans.Structure of the Nephron :
1.Each Nephron has basically two parts
1.Malpighian body 2. Renal tubule
Malpighian Body :
2.It consists of Bowman’s capsule and bunch of fine blood capillaries called glomerulus.
3.Glomerulus develops from afferent arteriole. It gives rise to an efferent arteriole.
Renal Tubule :
4.It has three parts
- Proximal Convoluted Tubule (PCT)
- Loop of Henle
- ‘U’ shaped second or Distal Convoluted Tubule (DCT)
24.Answer the questions by observing the diagram :
A)What are the four main parts of a flower ?
B)Which part produce gametes ?
C)Which part help in pollination ?
D)Which part protect the flower during its bud stage ? s Vgjg j
E)Which part will turn into a fruit in the future ? C
Ans.A)Four main parts of a flower are Sepals (Calyx), Petals (corolla), Androecium (stamens), Gynoecium (Pistil).
B)Androecium and Gynoecium are produce garnets.
C)Petals or corolla help in pollination.
D)Sepals or calyx protect the flower during its bud stage.
E)Ovary will turn into a fruit in the future.
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