AP SSC 10th class General Science 2 Model paper 2015-16 English Medium Set 7
Group – A
1.Write the difference between Excretion and Secretion.
2.What is emulsification ? How it helps in digestion of fats ? ,
3.State two similarities between aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
4.How do you feel about transportation of water in huge trees ?
Group – B
5.If you have a chance to meet a endocrinologist, What doubts you would like to clarify about pancreas ?
6.”All unicellular organisms undergo only mitotic cell division during favourable conditions” – Do you support this statement ? Why ?
7.What differences Mendel identified between parent and F_, generation ?
8.Prepare slogans to promote awareness among your classmates about ecofriendly activities.
9.What is the role of epiglottis in respiration and swallowing food ?
10.What is tissue culture ?
11.Rafi said smell also increases our appetite. Can you support this statement ? How ?
12.What is an ecological pyramid ?
13.What is contour strip cropping ? What is it’s use ?
14.What is the role of roughages in the alimentary tract ?
15.Answer the following questions by observing the diagram showing the experiment.
a)What is the aim of this experiment ?
b)Liquid parafin has been placed over the solution. Write the reason for this.
c)What change we can see in the bicarbonate solution that is present in the test tube? State the reason for it.
d)What apparatus do you require to perform this experiment ?
16.Write an account of the relation between blood and plasma.
17.Write an information table about alkaloids in plants. This table should contain Sl.No, name of the alkaloid, plant and part name from.which it is extracted, uses of the alkaloid. Write about any four alkaloids.
18.You may observed some plants responding to stimuli. Give an example for that. Explain how plants may immediately respond to a stimulus.
Group – B
19.What is mitosis ? In organisms, in which type of cells it occurs ? Write about the different stages of it.
20.You performed the experiment showing the action of saliva on flour (ata) in your science laboratory. Write the materials used for this experiment. Write the procedure you followed while doing the experiment. Write a note on your observations.
21.How is using of toxic materials affecting the ecosystems ? Write a short note on bioaccumulation and bio magnification.
22.Natural resources are decreasing more rapidly. Guess what will be the consequences in the future.
23.Draw a neat and labelled diagram of T.S of chloroplast.
24.Draw the diagram of the flower that you collect and label the parts shown and write their functions.
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