AP SSC 10th class Social Studies 1 Model paper 2015-16 English Medium Set 2
Group – A
1. “The Indo-Gangetic plains have high density of population.” Illustrate with your reasons.
2. Do you think migrants are trouble makers ? Justify your answer.
3. Read the following paragraph.
A distressing aspect of gender bias in India that shows little sign of going away is the preference for boys over girls. One of the worst manifestations of this pro-male bias is the relatively high mortality rates of girls compared with boys. Many families consider female children as a burden. Women’s education has been a powerful force in reducing discrimination against women.
Q. “Due to the difference in sex ratio, what would be the impact on society ?” Explain.
4. “Most children of migrant families become drop-outs.” Do you agree with this statement? Justify your answer.
5. Our country could not achieve self sufficiency in the production of foodgrains even today. Illustrate your reasons.
6. Observe the table which shows the growth in extraction of some key-minerals in India.
7. State any two defects, which you find in the organisation of Public Distribution System.
8.How is the Organised sector different from an Unorganised sector ?
9. How is sex-ratio calculated ?
10. Which Indian islands are Volcanic Origin ?
11. State any two human activities which contribute to Global warming.
12. State reason for protesting against the establishment of Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project in Tamil Nadu.
13. Expand the term I.B.R.D.
14.What is meant by Minimum Support Price ?
Group – A
15. How has liberalisation of trade and investment increasein food production.
16. Describe the relationship between increase in food production and food security.
17. Observe the following climographs and answer.
A) Why is there a difference between the rainy season of Chennai and Jaipur ?
B) In which month is the highest temperature recorded in Jaipur ?
C) Among these two, which area gets highest rainfall ?
D) Both the areas are rain shadow regions. Is it ? How would you justify ?
18. Explain any four river systems of India in the prescribed table form.
19. How are multi-national companies promoting Globalisation ?
20. Observe the following Graph diagram.
Write a brief note on the inequality in India based on the graph.
21. Why do you think parents accord less priority to girls education as compared to boys ? Explain.
22. What is GDP ? How do we estimate GDP ?
Group – A
1. Sircar Coast 2
2) Mizoram
3) Nainital
4) Narmada River
5) Aravali Ranges
Group – B
1.Nilgiri Hills
2) Andaman, Nicobar Islands
3)Malwa Plateau
4) Punjab
5) Allahabad
1. “The Indo-Gangetic plains have high density of population.” Illustrate with your reasons.
A. 1) The Indo-Gangetic plain is fertile and excellent for farming.
2) It makes heaven for farmers to grow wheat and rice.
3) Drinking water, house construction facilities are more comfortable here.
4) It comforts large number of people to get employment.
2.Do you think migrants are trouble makers ? Justify your answer.
A. 1) Yes. I think migrants are trouble makers.
2) The migrants may not be provided proper facilities by the government.
3) The migrants may question for proper facilities in the long course.
4) If the migrants begin to fight for their identity, then the trouble will start.
Ex : Tamil people in Sri Lanka.
1) I think migrants are not trouble makers.
2) Generally migrants go for their livelihood.
3) Therefore no scope to fight for domination.
4) Migrants won’t trouble anybody because they won’t fight for identity and domination. Ex : Sugarcane cutters in Maharashtra.
3. Read the following paragraph.
“A distressing………… against women”.
Q. “Due to the difference in sex ratio, what would be the impact on society ?” Explain.
A. 1) Female population will decrease.
2) In future male population may not get marriages.
3) Family system rjiay collapse.
4) Gender bias may increase in the society.
5) The problem of criminality in our society will increase.
4. “Most children of migrant families become drop-outs.” Do you agree with this statement ? Justify your answer.
A. 1) Yes. I agree with the above statement.
2) As some migrants migrate in the middle of the academic year, they do not have interest to join in the schools.
3) Schools are not available in the migrate areas.
4) Language problem, child care, ill health are other reasons.
5. Our country could not achieve sell sufficiency in the production of foodgrains even today. Illustrate your reasons.
A. 1) Foodgrain production is not proportional when compared to the rate of population growth.
2) There is no proper water management.
3) Farmers are following traditional methods.
4) Fragmentation of Land holdings.
5) Improper manuring and low application of fertilisers.
6. Observe the table which shows the growth in extraction of some key-minerals in India.
A. 1) Ground water pollution would increase.
2) Temperatures would increase.
3) Air pollution would increase near the mining areas.
4) Water storage capacity would decrease due to soil erosion.
5) Extreme burning of coal leads ozone depletion.
7. State any two defects, which you find in the organisation of Public Distribution System.
A. 1) Selling with higher prices.
2) Cheating in the process of weighing.
3) Selling ration goods in the black markets.
4) Ineligible candidates holding white cards. ‘
5) Only few days distribution is following.
8.How is the Organised sector different from an Unorganised sector ?
A. 1) The organised sector is the enterprises or places of work where the terms of employment are regular and therefore, people have assured work.
2) The unorganised sector is characterised by small and scattered units which have remained largely outside the control of the Government.
In this way organised sector is different from unorganised sector.
9. How is sex-ratio calculated ?
A. Sex ratio can be calculated with the number of females per 1000 males in the population.
10. Which Indian islands are Volcanic Origin ?
A. Andaman and Nicobar. (OR) Narkondam and Barren
11.State any two human activities which contribute to Global warming.
A. 1) Deforestation
2) Industralisation.
12. State reason for protesting against the establishment of Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project in Tamil Nadu.
A. 1) Kudankulam people have protested on the grounds of safety, security and livelihood.
2) They also want their coast and country protected from the radio active peril.
13. Expand the term I.B.R.D.
A. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. (OR) World Bank.
14. What is meant by Minimum Support Price ?
A. Minimum Support Price is a form of market intervention by the Government of India to insure agricultural producers against any sharp fall in farm prices.
15. How has liberalisation of trade and investment policies helped the Globalisation process ?
A. 1) Liberalisation of trade and investment policies have helped the Globalisation.
2) Liberalisation Policies removed many barriers and restrictions in industrialization.
3) Goods and Services availability is greatly increased throughout the world.
4) Establishment of M.N.C.s accelerated the globalisation.
5) Quality of goods increased. ,
6) Due to liberalisation of trade and investment policies transport system developed well.
7) Mobile phones, Internet and Computer facilities developed well.
8) We can access any information with low cost internet facilities within seconds.
16. Describe the relationship between increase in food production and food security.
A. 1) There is a relationship between increase in food production and food security.
2) Providing the minimum amount of foodgrains and other items required for daily consumption by increasing the production of foodgrains is an important aspect.
3) Increase in the production of foodgrains leads to increase in the availability of food for consumption.
4) Increase in the availability of foodgrains leads to accessibility of minimum calories of food requirement of the people.
5) If the production of foodgrains increases, the excess produce is purchased by the Government and stores it in FCI godowns as “Buffer Stocks” which will be sold at subsidised rate through PDS.
6) This ultimately to an increase in the purchasing power of the people and thus the nutrition status of the people also increases.
17. Observe the following Climographs and answer.
A). Why is there a difference between the rainy season of Chennai and Jaipur ?
A. Jaipur receives rainfall by the South-West monsoons.
Chennai receives rainfall by the North-East monsoons.
B) In which month is the highest temperature recorded in Jaipur ?
A. May.
C) Among these two, which area gets highest rainfall
A. Chennai.
D) Both the areas are rain shadow regions. Is it ? How would you justify ?
A. Yes. In the South-West monsoon season Jaipur and Chennai areas are rain shadow regions.
No. Only in the South-West monsoon season Chennai is rain shadow region. But not in North-East monsoon.
18. Explain any four river systems of India in the prescribed table form.
19. How are multi-national companies promoting Globalisation ? Explain.
A. 1) Multi-National Companies (MNCs) are playing an important role in the process of globalisation.
2) MNCs have created a borderless world through the flow of capital, people, technology, etc.
3) MNCs bringing not only their products to a country, but also the new business policies and cultures.
4) MNCs are helping in increasing competitiveness among the native companies.
5) Latest models of vehicles in different countries introduced by the Globalisation.
6) MNCs are inculcating broad-mindedness among the people.
20. Write a brief note on the inequality in India based on the graph.
A. 1) 3 million households with annual income above Rs. 17 lakh are classified as rich.
2) 31 million households with annual income between Rs. 3.4 to Rs. 17lakh are classified as middle class.
3) 71 million households income is between Rs. 1.5 to Rs. 3.4 lakh classified as aspirers.
4) 135 million lakhs classified as deprived.
5) In our country more than 90% of the people are in unorganised sector.
6) It clearly says that rich are becoming more rich, whereas the poor remain poor.
7) There is inequality in holding wealth as well as opportunities. ‘
8) Wide inequalities in incomes and opportunities across people cannot be the basis
for a just – Society.
21. Why do you think parents accord less priority to girls education as compared to boys ? Explain.
A. 1) For a long time India remained the male dominate society. It is gender – bias.
2) Parents are giving less priority to girls education because various customs and traditions existing in Indian society.
3) Insecurity conditions are existing in our society to the Female.
4) In rural areas girls are married off at early ages, which prevents their education.
5) In rural families homely works and child care responsibilities allotting to female child etc.
So, the parents giving less priority to girls education.
22. What is GDP ? How do we estimate GDP ?
A. G.D.P. (Gross Domestic Product) :
1). For the country as a whole, we use the total value of goods and services produced in a country as the indicator of income for the country.
2). The technical term to denote this value is Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
Estimation of G.D.P.:
1) D.P. records the market value of all final goods and services produced.
2) D.P. records all of public and private consumption, Government outlays, investments and exports less imports that occur within a defined territory.
3) Many items / services that are not sold / purchased in the market are not recorded in the G.D.P. Ex : Household works done by women.
23. Group-A
1) Sircar Coast 2) Mizoram 3) Nainital 4) Narmada River 5) Aravali Ranges
Group – B
1) Nilgiri Hills 2) Andaman, Nicobar Islands 3) Malwa Plateau 4) Punjab State 5) Allahabad
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