AP SSC 10th class Social Studies 1 Model paper 2015-16 English Medium Set 3
1. How can you say that India has stretched her wings into the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal ?
2. Study the paragraph below and answer the question.
You would have heard about several hill stations of the Himalayan region like Shimla, Gulmarg, Nainitai and Darjeeling as places that have a cool climate even during the peak summer months. Similarly Kodaikanal and Udagamandalam (Ooty) have cooler
climate, compared to places near the coast.
Q. Why does Darjeeling have pleasant weather as compared to Kolkata during summer season ?
3. Observe the following graph
Now answer the following questions.
a) What is the graph about?
b) The sex ratio is a cause of concern in India. Give reasons.
4. Observe the map and answer the questions.
1) Name some Himalayan peaks.
2) Name any two plateaus in the map.
5. Give three examples where an ave’rage is used for comparing situations other than what is given in the chapter “Ideas of Development’.
6. Read the paragraph and answer the question.
In the past 50 years, there has been a further shift from industry to service sector for developed countries. The service sector has become the most important in terms of total production. Most of the working people have also shifted and are now employed in the service sector and most of the production activities are those of services and not manufactured goods. This is the general pattern observed for developed countries.
Q. Is a similar pattern observed for India ?
7. What are the reasons for multiple cropping in a rural area ?
8. What has to be done in order to increase the per hectare yield of a crop ?
9. Give any one reason for farmers’ distress and even suicides.
10. What is the main aim of production ?
11. Which leaves a deep impact on migrants ?
12. State the new strategies of NEP.
13. Write down some problems of urbanization.
14. What are the reasons for female foetus infanticide ?
15. How can you say that Himalayas are a boon to our country ?
16. Read the passage and answer the following questions.
Though there has been an increase in urbanisation, the necessity of providing basic infrastructure that can support this growth is missing. You require roads,drainage, electricity, water and other public facilities. Government intervention is making some headway in improving the urban infrastructure particularly those associated with road transport. However, the provision of electricity, water and health infrastructure is not sufficient. For poorer people in the cities and towns, this situation is even worse. 1) What is missing ?
2) What do we require ?
3) What is government intervention making ?
4) Which is not sufficient ?
17. 70% of our surface water resources are polluted. Why ?
18. “AGW is a controversial topic between the developed and developing nations – ” Support the statement. .
19. How is PDS related to food security of the people in the country ?
20. Write your comments on organic farming.
21. Read the passage and answer the following questions.
The ongoing protest over the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project in theTirunelveli district of Tamil Nadu is one such conflict. The government of India set up the nuclear power plant in this quiet coastal town of fisher folks. The aim is to generate nuclear power to meet the growing energy needs of the country. The people in the region have protested on the grounds of safety, security and livelihood.
1) Who is building this project ?
2) What is the aim of this project ?
3) In which district is the project coming up ?
4) How is the town of Tirunelveli ?
22. How can you say that GDP ignores some items ? .
1) The Tropic of Cancer 2) Godavari river 3) Malwa plateau
4) Bengaluru 5) The Arabian Sea
1) 82 1/2 % E longtude 2) Krishna Delta 3) Vijayawada
4) Chota Nagpur Plateau 5) Kanyakumari
1. How can you say that India has stretched her wings into the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal ?
A. India has two groups of Islands – Andaman and Nicobar Islands stretched in Bay of Bengal and Lakshadweep Islands in the Arabian sea.
Andaman and Nicobar Islands is an elevated portion of submerged mountain parts running from Myanmar Mountain Arkan Yoma. In Andaman and Nicobar Islands,. Narkondam and Barren Islands are volcanic origin. The southernmost tip of India is found in Nicobar Island and called Indira point which was submerged during the 2004 Tsunami. Lakshadweep Islands are of coral origin. Its total geographic area is 32 sq.kms.This group of Islands is famous for great variety of flora and fauna.
So we can say that India has stretched her wings into the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal.
2. Why does Datjeeling have pleasant weather as compared to Kolkata during summer season ?
A. 1) Kolkata is a place oh the sea coast and has lesser altitude.
2) Whereas Darjeeling is a place on great altitude.
3) As normal lapse rate suggests the temperatures in the places with greater altitudes are less compared to lower altitudes.
4) Thus in summer, Darjeeling will have a pleasant weather compared to Kolkata.
3.a) What is the graph about?
A. The graph is about sex ratio of Indian Population during 1951-2011.
b) The sex ratio is a cause of concern in India. Give reasons.
A. The sex ratio in India is a cause of concern. Ever since independence it has been constantly decreasing and with 940 in 2011 it is also alarming.
4. 1) Name some Himalayan peaks.
A. 1) K2 2) Kanchen Junga
2) Name any two plateaus in the map.
A. 1) Chotanagpur 2) Malwa
5. Give three examples where an average is used for comparing situations other than what is given in the chapter ‘Ideas of Development’.
A.1) The per capita income or the average income is used to compare economic development of countries.
2) We use averages to identify and analyse performance level in different areas.
3) We use averages to make calculations easier and averages reveal general performance level.
6. Is a similar pattern observed for Inda ?
A. Yes, there is a similar pattern observed for India also. Over the last 5 decades, the most production has increased in the tertiary sector. It replaced the primary sector. The basic services are also provided by the government and private sector. As the income levels of the people raised, people are able to enjoy many more services like shopping, tourism, etc.
Therefore it is disputable that the tertiary sector is playing a significant role in the development of Indian economy.
7. What are the reasons for multiple cropping in a rural area ?
A. The fact that multiple cropping is the way of life for the subsistence of farmer in the rural areas. Insurance against the vagaries of weather, diseases and pests is a major reason. By planting more than one crop in the same field, the farmer is also maximizing moisture, maintaining soil fertility and minimizing soil erosion, which are some of the serious drawbacks of mono-cultural farming.
8. What has to be done in order to increase the per hectare yield of a crop?
A. In order to increase the per hectare yield of a crop, necessary inputs have to be provided in a judicious manner.
One way is to expand irrigation but use water in a manner so that this vital resource is shared and made available to all.
9. Give any one reason for farmers’ distress and even suicides.
A. The conservation of foodgrain fields into cash crops such as cotton in A.P. during the last two decades.
10. What is the main aim of production ?
A. The main aim of production is to produce goods and services required by the people.
11. Which leaves a deep impact on migrants ?
A. Exposure to different environment, stress associated with it, food available and social atmosphere leave a deep impact on migrants.
12. State the new strategies of NEP.
A. 1) Liberalisation 2) Privatization 3) Globalization
13. Write down some problems of urbanization.
A.1) The growing urban population has to be housed.
2) It needs water supply, sewage and other waste disposal, transportation and many other things.
3) Vehicle use increases.
14. What are the reasons for female foetus infanticide ?
A. Due to the preference for male children parents may decide to abort female child before birth. Many adults consider female children as a burden.
15. How can you say that Himalayas are a boon to our country ?
A. 1) The formation of the Himalayas influences the climate in various ways.
2) These act as barriers protecting the great plains of India from the cold winds of central Asia during severe winter.
3) The Himalayas are reason for summer rains and monsoon type climate in regions that are beyond the Western Ghats of India.
4) The Himalayan rivers have a perennial flow since these are fed by the glaciers.
5) These rivers bring a lot of silt, making these plains very fertile.
6) There are famous hill stations like Simla, Mussorie, Nainital, Raniket, etc. covered by evergreen forests.
7) The valleys are known for the cultivation of fruits.
8) There are passes in the Himalayas which act as great exchange of culture and commerce.
16. 1) What is missing ?
A. Though there has been an increase in urbanisation, the necessity of providing basic infrastructure that can support this growth is missing.
2) What do we require ?
A. We require roads, drainage, electricity, water and other public facilities.
3) What is government intervention making ?
A. Government intervention is making some headway in improving the urban infrastructure particularly those associated with road transport.
4) Which is not sufficient ?
A. The provision of electricity, water and health infrastructure is not sufficient.
17. 70% of our surface water resources are polluted. Why ?
A. Water bodies get contaminated due to discharge of pollutants in the water bodies without any treatment to remove harmful compounds. Water pollution adversely affects not only aquatic plants and animals but it also affects human beings and ecosystems.
Causes of water pollution :
1) Sewage and waste water : Sewage, garbage and liquid waste of households, . agriculture lands and factories are discharged into lakes and rivers. These wastes contain harmful chemicals and toxins which make the water poisonous for aquatic animals and plants.
2) Dumping : Dumping of solid wastes and litters in water bodies causes huge problems. Different things take different times to degrade in water.
3) Industrial waste : Industrial waste is discharged into lakes and rivers by using fresh water making the water contaminated.
4) Oil pollution : Sea water gets polluted due to oil spilled from ships and tankers while travelling.
5) Acid rain : Acid rain is rain that contains large amounts of harmful chemicals from factory gases and that damages trees, crops and buildings.
6) Global warming : A gradual increase in world temperatures caused by polluting gases such as carbon dioxide which are collecting in the air around the earth that results in death of aquatic plants and animals.
7) Eutrophication : Eutrophication is an increased level of nutrients in water bodies. This results in bloom of algae in water and depletes the oxygen, in water, which negatively affects fish and other aquatic animal population.
18. “AGW is a controversial topic between the developed and developing nations – ” Support the statement.
A. There are disagreements between the ‘developed’ countries (mainly industrialized, economically more advanced countries of the West) and ‘developing’eountries (countries that are not as industrialised) about AGW (Anthropogenic Global Warming). Developed countries want developing countries to cut down on burning coal and other activities that add greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. Developing countries argue that developed countries developed precisely by burning fossil fuels in their development. Developing countries say that their economic development will be seriously damaged if they don’t burn fossil fuels (mainly coal), and that developed countries should do their fair share of work to help find alternatives that can help the developing countries to progress.
19. How is PDS related to food security of the people in the country?
A. 1) PDS has played a crucial role in reaching food to everyone both in the rural and urban areas. .
2) Around 1997, government decided that ration shops should cater mainly to the poor.
3) Governments buy foodgrains from farmers and supply these to the ration shops.
4) Ration shops keep stocks of foodgrains and these items are then sold to people.
5) Prices at the ration shops are meant to be lower than the prices in the market.
6) The government is trying to provide food to all.
7) The government stakes a lot of amount in purchasing food from farmers and wholesalers and selling them at subsidised prices.
8) Thus, PDS is thriving for food security of the people in the country.
20. Write your comments on organic farming.
A. Organic farmers forego the use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides. Instead they rely mainly on natural techniques such as crop rotation, compost and biological pest control in farming. One of the main characteristics of organic agriculture is the use of local resources including on-farm biological processes such as availability of pest predators (birds, spiders, insects) or soil micro-organisms (Rhizobium and Azotobacter) which make nutrients more accessible to the plant. The use of synthetic chemical inputs is minimised and farms can be bio-diverse as they produce a number of crops rather than only one or two crops. Further more, production levels can be maintained similar to modern agricultural methods.
21.1) Who is building this project ?
A. The government of India is building this project.
2) What is the aim of this project ? .
A. The aim of this project is to generate nuclear power to meet the growing energy needs of the country.
3) In which district is the project coming up ?
A. The project is coming up in the district of Tirunelveli in Tamil Nadu.
4) How is the town of Tirunelveli ?
A. The town of Tirunelveli is quiet coastal town of fisher folks.
22. How can you say that GDP ignores some items ?
A. GDP records the market value of all final goods and services produced. But there are many items that are not sold/ purchased in the market. One important example is the work that is done at home like cooking, cleaning, organizing, bringing up children, tending to plants and cattle, etc. In most instances, these do not involve any monetary transaction and therefore remain outside the GDP measure, though they are extremely important for the economy. Also, the unpaid work is done mostly by women even today, in India and across the globe. So, these are not included in GDP.
23. Locate the following places on the given outline map of India.
1) The Tropic of Cancer 2) Godavari river 3) Malwa plateau
4) Bengaluru 5) The Arabian Sea
1) 821/2% E longitude 2) Krishna Delta 3) Vijayawada
4) Chota Nagpur Plateau 5) Kanyakumari
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