AP SSC 10th class Social Studies 1 Model paper 2015-16 English Medium Set 9
1.How can you say that Indo-Gangetic plains have high density of population ?
2.Mention some ways in which human action contributes to global warming ?
3.Read the paragraphs given below and answer the question that follows.
Aerotropolis – jet-age city:
A new kind of settlement is occurring in many countries, including India. These settlements are centered around large airports. Hence the name aerotropolis (or airport city).In an aerotropolis the airport functions as a city in its own right. Many facilities (hotels, shopping, entertainment, food, business conferencing, etc.) are provided right there. People can fly in, conduct their business with their counter parts right there, and fly out – with all the comfort of a city, without the traffic and other problems.
Q.How can you say that Aerotropolis is a jet-age city ?
4.Do you think migrants are trouble makers/trouble shooters in their destinations ? Justify your answer.
Group -B
5.Why do you think average income is an important criterion for development ? Explain.
6.Modern farming methods require more inputs which are manufactured in industry. Do you agree ?
7.Recent studies point out that small producers in India need three things to compete better in the market : (a) better roads, power, water, raw materials, marketing and information network, (b) improvements and modernisation of technology, and (c) timely availability of credit at reasonable interest rates. Explain how these three things would help Indian producers.
8.How does Indian Judiciary work to implement food security ?
9.What is deforestation ?
10.How do you think landed people responded to increasing family’s size ?
11.What are the problems in urbanisation ?
12.Why do different persons have different notions of development ? Which of the following explanations is more important and why ?
a)Because people are different.
b)Because life situations of persons are different.
13.What is marketable surplus ?
14.Which are central to modern development ?
Group – A
15.How can you say that climate in desert region and hilly region is totally different ?
16.Which aspects of farming practices were regulated in the context of Hiware Bazar to improve the water conservation ? .
17.Feel that you are living in urban area. Write a letter to the Municipal Commissioner complaining about the urbanization problems arising due to migration and request to take necessary steps.
18.Read the paragraphs given below and answer the questions that follow.
What happens when people migrate ?
Migrant labourers spend more on food as they cannot get food grains from fair price shops at their workplaces. As they live in harsh circumstances and in unhygienic conditions, they suffer from health problems and are prone to disease. Those working in quarries, brick kilns, construction sites and mines suffer from body ache, sunstroke, skin irritation and lung diseases. When employers do not follow safety measures, accidents in industrial areas and construction sites are also common. Migrants are not able to access various health and family care programmes as they do not belong to the organised sector. In the case of women migrant workers, there is no maternity leave. This means they have to go back to work very soon after childbirth.
1)Why do migrant labourers spend more on food ?
2)Why do they suffer from health problems ?
3)Name some sufferers and their diseases.
4)Write about women migrant workers.
Group -B
19.In what respect is the criterion used by the UNDP for measuring development different from the one used by the World Bank ?
20.There has been rapid increase in the extraction of minerals for domestic use and for exports to other countries since liberalisation and globalisation of Indian economy. Using figures from the table here substantiate the observation.
21.Write a letter to the Tasildar about irregular functioning of ration shop in your area.
22.The distribution of farmers in India and the amount of land they cultivate are in the following table.
Read the above table and answer the following questions.
1)How many types of farmers are there ? Name them.
2)Which type of farmers are in high percentage ?
3)What is the difference between the percentage of cultivated area ?
4)What is the cause / reason for the high concentration of cultivated area in the hands of medium and large Farmers ?
Group – A
23. 1) Garhwal Himalayas 2) Migration from Maharashtra to West Bengal
3)Sivalik range 4) Leh 5) Arunachal Pradesh
Group -B
1)Neighbouring state to Punjab 2) Dodabetta peak 3) Jaipur
4)Chennai 5) Ahmedabad
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