AP SSC 10th class Social Studies 2 Model paper 2015-16 English Medium Set 2
1. How was it possible for a small country like Vietnam to stand up the might ofUSA?
2. To emphasise the determination for peace, Jawaharlal Nehru formulated his renowned Panchsheel principles :
a) Respect for each others sovereignty and territorial integrity.
b) Non interference in the internal affairs of other countries.
c) Non aggression and settlement of disputes with mutual understanding.
d) Endeavour to achieve cooperation and mutual respect in international relationships.
e) Promoting peaceful co-existence.
Q. i) In between which countries, the Panchsheel was formulated ?
ii) Mention any two principles of Panchsheel.
3. Observe the following timeline chart and answer the questions.
Q.a) When did the Russian Revolution take place ? b) Which organisation was formed for peace after the World War-11 ?
4. Observe the following map and answer the questions below
i) Who formulated the ‘NATO’, the millitary alliance ?
ii) Name the sea between Europe and Africa.
5. In what ways, was the Emergency period a set back to the Indian Democracy ?
Q.a) Name the first non-Congress party which formed the government at the Centre, b) Who is the founder of Telugu Desam Party ?
7. Observe the given Pie diagram and discuss the 2014 General Elections.
8. What is the purpose of Lok Adalat ?
9. What does the term “Great Depression” signify ?
10. What is meant by “Pan Africanism” ?
11. Look at the map of India. Why do you think the cooperation between India and Bangladesh is vital for both the countries ?
12. The Constitution of India begins with the statement –
“We the people of India….. ”
Do you think this claim to represent all the people of India was justified ?
13. Expand the term AIADMK.
14. What is the boundary line between China and India ?
15. Write about the main causes responsible for the two World Wars.
16. Read the following paragraph given below and answer the questions.
Agent Orange the deadly poison
Agent Orange is a defoliant, a plant killer, so called because it was stored in drums marked with an orange band. Between 1961 and 1971, some 11 million gallons of this chemical was sprayed from cargo planes by US forces. Their plan was to destroy forests and fields, so that it could be easier to kill, if there was no jungle cover for people to hide in. Over 14 percent of the cultivated fields were affected and are continuing to affect people till today. Dioxin, an element of Agent Orange, is known to cause cancer and brain damage in children and according to a study, is also the cause of the high incidence of deformities found in the sprayed areas.
The tonnage of bands including chemical arms, used during US intervention (mostly against civilians targets) in Vietnam exceeds that used throughout the Second World War.
Q. i) What is Agent Orange ?
ii) How does Agent Orange affect the children ?
iii) Why did they destroy forests and fields ?
iv) Do you think America was justified in using chemical weapons on civilian population and forests ?
17. Integration of various princely states into the new Indian nation was a challenge. Discuss.
18. Unlike Vietnam or India, Nigeria did not have to struggle so hard for freedom. Can you find some explanation for this ?
19. Write about the basic principles of Indian Constitution
20. Read the text given and answer the questions.
’ Panchayati Raj & 73rd Amendment
In 1992, Government led by P.V. Narasimha Rao passed an important amendment to the Constitution to provide Local Self Governments a Constitutional status. The 73rd Constitutional Amendment created institutions of local self government at the village level, while the 74th Constitutional Amendment did the same in towns and cities. These were path breaking amendments. They sought to usher in for the first time, office bearers at the local level elected on the basis of Universal Adult Franchise one third of the seats were to be reserved for women. Seats were also reserved for scheduled castes and tribes. The concerns of the State governments were taken into account and it was left to the States to decide on what functions and powers were to be developed to their respective local self governments. Consequently, the powers of local self governments vary across the country.
Q. i) What is Local Self Government ?
ii) Which government recognised the Constitutional status of Local SelfGovernment ?
iii) What does the 73rd Constitutional Amendment say ?
iv) 1/3 of seats were to be reserved for women in Local Self Governments. Comment.
21. Democracies have been identified as most prominent political systems across the World. Do you think it has been able to take care of all expectations of people ?
22. What are the basic features of social movement ?
23. Group “A”
1) India 2) Nigeria 3) Vietnam 4) Japan 5) Germany
Group “B”
1) China 2) Egypt 3) New York 4) Israel 5) Poland
1. How was it possible for a small country like Vietnam to stand up the might of USA ?
A. 1) Vietnam people had a great nationalism and partriotism towards their nation.
2) USA underestimated the defensive power of Vietnamese.
3) USA underestimated the commitment of the lakhs of poor peasants.
4) These peasants inspired by nationalism and enthused by land reforms played the most crucial role in defeating the mightiest army in the world.
2. i) In between which countries, the Panchsheei was formulated ?
A. India and China
ii) .Mention any two principles of Panchsheei.
A. 1) Respect for each others sovereignty and territorial integrity.
2) Non interference in the internal affairs of other countries.
3) Non aggression and settlement of dispulses with mutual understanding.
4) Endeavour to achieve co-operation and mutual respect in international relation ships.
5) Promoting peaceful co-existence.
3. a) When did the Russian Revolution take place ?
A. 1917.
b) Which organisation was formed for peace after the World War – II ?
A. United Nations Organisation.
4. i) Who formulated the ‘NATO’, the millitary alliance ?
A. United States of America / America.
ii) Name the sea between Europe and Africa.
A. Mediterranean Sea
5. In what ways, was the Emergency period a setback to the Indian Democracy ?
A. 1) General Elections were postponed.
2) Many of the fundamental rights were suspended.
3)The press was censored.
4) Most of political opponents were imprisoned.
5) Thus, the Emergency period was a setback to the Indian democracy.
6. a) Name the first non-congress party which formed the government at the centre.
A. Janata Party
b) Who is the founder of Telugu Desam Party ?
A. Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao (NTR)
7. Observe the given pie diagram and discuss the 2014 General Elections.
A. 1) J.P. is the largest party with 282 seats.
2) INC got only 44 seats.
3) AIADMK got 37 seats
4) TDP got 16 seats.
5) Others got 140 seats.
8. What is the purpose of Lok Adalat ?
A. 1) Lok Adalat is a mechanism for inexpensive Justice.
2) It is an opportunity to settle long pending court cases in short time.
3) Lok Adalat settle cases without any expenses.
4) Lok Adalat settle disputes / cases in an amicable atmosphere.
9. What does the term “Great Depression” signify ?
A. 1) There was a worldwide economic decline triggered by a decline in demand and fall in prices. It was called “Great Depression”.
2) The Great Depression began around the end of 1929 and lasted almost till 1939. 10. 10. What is meant by “Pan Africanism” ?
A. 1) Pan Africanism is an idea which promotes the unity of all African peoples irrespective of country or tribe.
2) One key person in this regard was Kwame Nkrumah.
11. Look at the map of India. Why do you think the cooperation between India and Bangladesh is vital for both countries.
A.1) Both the countries have cooperated on the economic front and river water.
2) Bangladesh is an integral part of the Indian ‘Look East Policy’ to link up South Asia via Myanmar and both have cooperation on disaster management.
12. The constitution of India begins with the statement “We the people of India…… “
Do you think this claim to represent all the people of India was justified ?
A. Yes, It was justified.
13. Expand the term AIADMK ?
A. All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazagam
14. What is the boundary line between China and India ?
A. Mc Mahon Line
15. Write about the main causes responsible for the two world wars.
A. The main causes of two world wars;
I. Aggressive nationalism :
1) It is the feeling of the peoples of one country. Proud of their race and wanted to establish their supremacy over the world.
2) Due to this the Germany and Italians developed pride. Nazism in Germany and Facism in Italy were used in destructive mode.
3) Aggressive nationalism leads to formation of power blocks.
II. Imperialism:
1) An industrial capital developed and accumulated the European Nations and their financial institutions looked for safe investment opportunities in colonies.
2) So, the European countries competed to establish the colonies in Asia, Africa.
3) Differences among the imperial countries led to world wars.
III. Secret alliances: ‘
1) The secret alliances also played vital rble in the two world wars.
2) Bismark made secret alliance with Austria and Italy called Triple Alliance.
3) Russia, France and Britian formed the Triple Antente.
4) Both these alliance were jealous and suspicious of one another.
IV. Militarism :
1) Each country built massive standing armies and competed with each other in increasing armament.
2) They built a mindset among the people to support wars.
3) The military expenditure of the six big powers increased by over 300%.
16. Read the following paragraph given below and answer the questions.
i) What is Agent Orange ?
A. Agent Orange is a defoliant, a plant killer.
ii) How does Agent Orange affect the children ?
A. Agent Orange causes cancer, brain damage and deformities in children.
iii) Why did they destroy forests and fields ?
A. That it would be easier to kill if there were no forests and fields cover for people to hide in.
iv) Do you think America was justified in using chemical weapons and civilian population and forests ?
A. No, it was not justified.
17. Integration of various princely states into the new Indian nation was a challenge. Discuss.
A. 1) At the time of withdrawl of British from India, there Were around 550 princely states in Indian territory.
2)They become independent after the British rule.
3) They were asked by the British to decide if they wanted to join India, Pakistan or remain independent.
4) In Hyderabad and Travancore peasants were revolting with arms against the ruling Zamindars.
5) Sardar Vallabhai Patel was given charge of this matter of merging Princely states
into Indian Union in July 1947.
6) He began discussing with princes the necessity to join India.
7) All Princely States agreed to join Indian Union except Kashmir, Hyderabad and Junagadh. These three states were also made to join in the next two years.
8) With great efforts of Patel, this challenging task was completed by merging these states.
18. Unlike Vietnam or India, Nigeria did not have to struggle so hard for freedom. Can you find some explanation for this ?
A. 1) Vietnam had paid great loss in the freedom struggle.
2) Vietnam also faced a war with the USA in the struggle.
3)India also paid great loss in the freedom struggle.
4) Indians fought against the British to get freedom.
5) In Nigeria a section of western educated intellectuals developed the idea of a common Nigerian nation and began to fight the British rule.
6) In Nigeria, the people of different regions were fought together against the colonial powers.
7) Nigerian nationalism grew in popularity.
8) Considering the wave of nationalism, the British decided to hand over power. Thus, Nigeria simply got independence from the British.
19. Write about the basic Principles of Indian Constitution.
A. 1) Parliamentary System : India is the biggest country which is following Parliamentary Democracy system in the world.
2) Fundamental Rights : Every Indian has entitled to enjoy six fundamental rights.
3) Fundamental duties : Every Indian should follow the 10 fundamental duties.
4) Single Citizenship: According to the Indian Constitution we have single citizenship only.
5) Federal System : Indian Constitution divided powers between the Centre and the States.
6) Judicial Independence : Indian Judiciary is independent. It protects Indian Constitution. It has “Judicial review” also.
7) Directive Principles : Indian Constitution provides guidelines to the Central and State Governments. ,
8) Universal Adult Franchise : Indian Constitution provides right to vote to the citizens of India, who attain 18 years of age.
20. i) What is Local Self Government ?
A .The Government that formed by the people at village, town and city level to solve the local needs is Local Self Government.
ii) Which government recognised the constitutional status of Local self Government?
A. P.V. Narasimha Rao or Congress Government.
iii) What does the 73rd constitutional Amendment say ?
A .Creation of Local Self government at the village level.
iv) 1/3 of seats were to be reserved for women in Local Self Governments. Comment.
A. Women need political equality and they should involve actively in the Local Governments.
21. Democracies have been identified as most prominent political systems across the world. Do you think it has been able to take care of all expectations of people ?
A. 1) Yes, I think democracies have been able to take care of all expectations.
2) Because democracy is the government by the people, of the people and for the people.
3) Democracy is the most prominent political system across the world.
4) In democracy the people should be vigilant and enlightened.
5) When the government fails to address the worries of the people, it would turn into social movements.
22. What are the basic features of Social movements ?
A. The basic features of social movements :
1) They are based on values of justice, democracy and civil rights.
2) Protection of the cultural sphere.
3) The prevention of a change in societies structure and values.
4) Protection of livelihood and health.
5) Equal treatment in the society.
6) Protection from the consumption of alcohol and drugs.
7) Protection of the environment.
8) Protection of agricultural lands.
23. Group “A”
1) India 2) Nigeria 3) Vietnam 4) Japan 5) Germany
Group “B”
1) China 2) Egypt 3) New York 4) Israel 5) Poland
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