AP SSC 10th class Social Studies 2 Model paper 2015-16 English Medium Set 4
1. Appreciate the role of Lenin in the Russian Revolution and his economic Policy.
2. The world was divided into “the West” which was experiencing economic growth and “the Rest” whose acute backwardness was worsened by colonial exploitation by the West.”
Read the above paragraph and interpret it.
3. Read the paragraph given below and answer the questions that follow.
Pan Africanism is an idea which promotes the unity of all African peoples irrespective of country or tribe. This unity was to be used not only to fight colonialism and racial discrimination, but also to build unity among tribes and communities inhabiting the continent based on principles of equality, social justice and human dignity. One key person in this regard was Kwame Nkrumah, a freedom fighter from Ghana.
a. What is Pan Africanism?
b. Who was the key person?
4. Why did the British resort to the ‘Divide and Rule Policy’ ?
5. How do you think the Legal Services Authority would help the people in seeking legal aid ?
6. In what ways was the Emergency period a setback to the Indian democracy ?
7. “Formation of NAM was not merely in the context of military alliances but also in the context of economic policies.” Justify the answer.
Answer the following questions.
1) How many amendments were made to our Constitution till 2013 ?
2) In which decade least amendments were made ?
9. Write any features liked by you in Mahatma Gandhi.
10. What is Agent Orange and why is it so called ?
11. Why did Bismarck enter into a secret alliance with Austria and Italy ?
12. Who formulated Panchsheel and for what ?
13. In what ways does a multi-party democracy create favourable conditions for social movements of protest and change ?
14. What was the main purpose of 1955 Bandung conference ?
15. In what ways was the Second World War a logical outcome of Hitler’s ideology and economic policies ?
16. Aggressive nationalism paved the way for world wars’. – Interpret.
17. The youth and students played an important role in the emergence of nationalism in both Vietnam and China. Discuss the similarities and differences between them. ’
18. Make a list of various reasons for the Partition of our country.
19. Find out what form of autonomy is now being made available to villages after the 73rd amendment of the Constitution.
20. There have been many instances in which governments at centre removed governments at the state, if they are from different political parties. Discuss how it violates democratic principles.
21. Discuss and find out how movements mobilise people from across the globe like in the instance of campaign to protest in the context of Bhopal gas tragedy.
22. What type of information is not accessible to the citizens ? What is the argument in favour of this ?
23. Mark the following places on the given outline map of
1) Britain 2) France 3) The USA 4) China 5) Afghanistan
1) Nepal 2) Bhutan 3) Bangladesh 4) Myanmar 5) Sri Lanka
1. Appreciate the role of Lenin in the Russian Revolution and his economic policy.
A. 1) Vladimir Lenin played an important role in the Russian Revolution of 1917.
2) He led the revolutionaries after the fall of the Tsar.
3) The Bolshevik party put forward clear policies to end the war.
4) He transferred land to the peasants and advance the slogan ‘All power to the Soviets’.
5) These were the real objectives of the Russian Revolution and he fulfilled them. So Lenin’s name has become inseparable from the Russian Revolution.
2. The world was divided into “the West” which was experiencing economic growth and “the Rest” whose acute backwardness was worsened by colonial exploitation by the West.”Read the above paragraph and interpret it.
A . 1) At the beginning of the 20th century the world experienced two different blocks the West and the Rest.
2) “The West” were all those countries like England, JSA who were the leading industrial powers and they were experiencing economic f rowth.
3) “The Rest” were all the countries of Asia, Africa and Latin Americas.
4) They experienced extreme backwardness.
5) That backwardness was worsened by the colonial exploitation of these countries by “the West”.
6) These colonization and imperialism later led to World Wars.
3. a) What is Pan Africanism ?
A. Pan Africanism is an idea which promotes the unity of all African peoples irrespective of country or tribe.
b) Who was the key person ?
A. The key person was Kwame Nkrumah, a freedom fighter from Ghana.
4. Why did the British resort to the ‘Divide and Rule Policy’ ?
A. 1) The British were desperate with the Indian people revolting against their rule.
2) They looked for ways to punish Congress and weaken its hold over the people.
3) The British actively raised doubts about the right of the Congress to represent the people of the country.
4) Then they followed “Divide and Rule Policy” more vigorously.
5. How do you think the Legal Services Authority would help the people in seeking legal aid ?
A. 1) There is a system in our country to provide free legal service to the people.
2) Under the legal services Authority (amendment) Act – 2002, legal services
authorities are constituted to provide free and legal services to the weaker sections of the society.
3) This is to ensure that opportunities for securing justice are not denied to any citizen by reasons of economic or other disabilites and to organise Lok Adalats to ensure that the operation of the legal system promotes justice on eqtial opportunity basis.
4) In this way Legal Services Authority would help the people in seeking legal aid.
6. In what ways was the Emergency period a setback to the Indian democracy ?
A. On 25th June, 1975, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi imposed an emergency in the country. Due to this Emergency –
1) Fundamental Rights stood suspended, ,.
2) Censorship was imposed on the press and
3) Prominent political leaders were arrested.
In the above ways the Emergency period was a setback to the Indian democracy.
7. “Formation of NAM was not merely in the context of military alliances but also in the context of economic policies.” Justify the answer.
A. Justification:
1) Because of great power r valry during the Cold War Era. Many economic projects were set up in developing countries as part of the rivalry but suffered as a result of the quest for influence.
2) During the years the focus of NAM Summits therefore shifted away from essentially political issues, to the advocacy of solutions to global economic and other problems.
3) During the 1970s and early 1980s, the NAM also sponsored campaigns for restructuring commercial relations between developed and developing nations, namely the NIEO.
4) The Jakarta Summit 1992 allowed the movement to shift its focus in a direction that also enabled it to work across to grouping such as the G-7 and the EU.
8. 1) How many amendments were made to our constitution till 2013 ?
A. 99 Amendments were made to our constitution till 2013.
2) In which decade least amendments were made ?
A. Least amendments were made in 1951 – 60.
9. Write any features liked by you in Mahatma Gandhi.
A. 1) Gandhi took the national movement to masses.
2) Gandhiji all the time depended upon the weapons of Truth and Non-violence.
3) He worked for the welfare of Harijans.
4) He introduced the concept Satyagraha.
10. What is Agent Orange and why is it so called ?
A. Agent Orange is a defoliant, a plant killer, so called because it was stored in drums marked with an orange band.
11. Why did Bismarck enter into a secret alliance with Austria and Italy ?
A. After defeating France in 1870, Bismarck, the German Chancellor, decided to isolate it. To achieve this end, he entered into a secret alliance with Austria in 1879 and with Italy in 1882.
12. Who formulated Panchsheel and for what ?
A. As for the immediate neighbours Nehru formulated the Panchsheel policy of noninterference in each other’s internal affairs.
13. In what ways does a multi-party democracy create favourable conditions for social movements of protest and change ?
A. If the government acts against the welfare of the people, the other parties show the way to protests and strikes to change the views of the government.
The parties in multi-party system think for the welfare of the people,
e.g.: Protects against the constructions of dams, nuclear power projects, etc.
14. What was the main purpose of 1955 Bandung conference ?
A. The main purpose of 1955 Bandung conference was Non-Alignment Movement’.
15. In what ways was the Second World War a logical outcome of Hitler’s ideology and economic policies ?
A. German Nazism emphasised German Nationalism. Nationalism in the World War- II was mainly Hitler’s desire for living space’.
2) It held racial theories based upon the belief of the existence of an Aryan master race that was believed to be superior to all other races especially Jews as they were mixed race.
3) Nazi Germany began its own programme of expansion, seeking to restore the ‘rightful’ boundaries of historic Germany.
4) Hitler’s economic policies showed an improvement of living standards of a section of the Germans even though it meant sub-human conditions of life for those condemned by the racist regime.
5) This was followed by heavy investment in armament industry to create further employment but this could be sustained only by going on war with the neighbours. These were the ideologies and economic policies of Hitler that led to the Second World War.
16. ‘Aggressive nationalism paved the way for world wars’. – Interpret.
A. 1) Aggressive and narrow nationalism was one of the causes for world wars.
2) Nationalism was a positive impulse and the force behind unification of Italy and Germany.
3) If nationalism was aggressive, it could create pride in oneself and hatred against neighbours.
4) There existed a deep-seated antagonism between Germany and Russia ; Germany and France; till First World War.
5) Italian Fascism from 1923 and National Socialism of German Nazis were other forms of aggressive nationalism in destructive mode.
6) They built images of ruling over the world and mobilised their people against other nations.
7) They took a death blow in the Second World War.
8) Thus we can say that aggressive nationalism paved the way for world wars.
17. The youth and students played an important role in the emergence of nationalism in both Vietnam and China. Discuss the similarities and differences between them.
1) Ipth fought-against colonial governments’ efforts.
2) Both were inspired by patriotic feelings and the conviction that it was the duty of the educated to fight for the benefit of society.
3) Both were forming various political parties.
4) Both published nationalist journals.
18. Make a list of various reasons for the Partition of our country.
A. 1) Anti-thinking of the Muslims and their communalism.
2) Activities of the Muslim League.
3) Congress’s policy of Appeasement.
4) Communal reaction.
5)Congress policy of strengthening India.
6) Formation of weak Pakistan in the minds of Indian leaders.
7) Development transfer of power.
8) Provisions of the Indian Independent Act.
19. Find out what form of autonomy is now being made available to villages after the 73rd amendment of the Constitution.
A. Form of autonomy that is now being made available to villages after the 73rd amendment of the Constitution:
Article 40 of the Constitution, which enshrines one of the Directive Principles of state policy, lays down that the state shall take step to organise village panchayats and endow then with such powers and authority as may be necessary to enable them to function as units of self-government.
Under this, the villages enjoy autonomy in the following issues.
1) Gramasabha 2) Direct elections 3) Reservation of seats
4) Holding elections 5) Constitution of Panchayats, etc.
20. There have been many instances in which governments at centre removed governments at the state, if they are from different political parties. Discuss how it violates democratic principles.
A. 1) This act negates the federal character of the Indian political system.
2) It also militates against the democratic doctrine of popular sovereignty, since an elected government is suspended.
3) When there is a majority government functioning in the state it is not fair to dismiss it.
4)Thus, it violates democratic principles.
21. Discuss and find out how movements mobilise people from across the globe like in the instance of campaign to protest in the context of Bhopal gas tragedy.
A. 1) Movements seek a vision that is different.
2) Movements mobilise people from across the globe to protest various issues.
3) Black Americans organised themselves against the segregation and discrimination they faced.
4) People of Russia fought for human rights there, when free multiparty elections were not allowed, Press freedom was not allowed.
5) Massive protests took place against the policies of the governments, whl|h are war mongering.
6) Greenpeace movement in the USA protested the conduct of nuclear tests ujhder water in the USA.
7) Many such movements related to environment were taken up and plbple
supported them.
8) There are various platforms for them like, Facebook, twitter, e-mails, internet, newspaper, etc.
22. What type of information is not accessible to the citizens? What is the argument in favour of this ?
A. 1) Information that could affect the sovereignty and integrity of India.
2) Matters that could be of strategic economic on scientific interest of the state in the context of foreign powers.
3) Most of our armed forces and security agencies are outside the purview of Information Commission.
4) It is correct on the part of government not to share the information that is vital and affects the country.
5) If information of strategic importance was disclosed and reached the hands of foreign powers, the damage that could be caused cannot be estimated.
6) Citizens should also have some self – restraint and not to seek the information which causes the worry to National Government.
23. Locate the following places on the given outline map of World.
1) Britain 2) France 3) The USA 4) China 5) Afghanistan
1) Nepal 2) Bhutan 3) Bangladesh 4) Mynamar 5) Sri Lanka
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