CBSE Syllabus for Class 11 Engineering Graphics
Course Structure
S.No. | Chapter / Topic | Marks |
Unit-I | Plane Geometry | 16 |
1 | Lines, angles and rectilnear figures | |
2 | Circles and tangents | |
3 | Special curves: ellipse, parabola, involute, cycloid. helix and sine-curve | |
Unit-II | Solid Geometry | 27 |
4 | Orthographic-projections of points, lines laminae, (plane) and solids | |
5 | Section of solid-figures | |
Unit-III | Machine Drawing | 27 |
6 | Orthographic projections of simple machine-blocks | |
7 | Isometric-projection of laminae (plane) figures | |
8 | Development of surfaces | |
IV. | Practical | 30 |
Total Marks | 100 |
I. Plane Geometry
Printing English alphabets (capital and small) numerals in standard proportions.
Unidirectional/aligned system of dimensioning as per SP: 46-2003 (Revised)
Unit 1:
Construction of lines, angles and their divisions. Simple questions based on triangles, square, rhombus, trapeziums, regular polygons-pentagon, hexagon and octagon.
Unit 2:
Construction of circles, external and internal tangents of circles, inscribing, circumscribing circles in equilateral triangle, square, rhombus, regular polygons-pentagon, hexagon and octagon.
Unit 3:
Construction of Engineering curves:
- (a) Ellipses by concentric circles, intersecting arcs and intersecting lines.
- (b) Parabola by intersecting lines and intersecting arcs.
- (c) Involute of a circle, cycloid, helix and sine curve.
II. Solid Geometry
Unit 4:
Methods of orthographic projections and dimensioning strictly as per SP: 46- 2003 revised conventions. Projection of points, lines, regular plane figure and right regular solids such as cubes, prisms and pyramids (square, triangular, pentagonal and hexagonal), cones, cylinders, spheres, hemi-spheres and frustum of pyramids and cone when they are kept with their axis (a) perpendicular, to HP/VP (b) parallel to one plane and inclined to the other (c) parallel to HP and VP both.
Unit 5:
Section of solids under the same conditions mentioned above made by the horizontal, vertical and inclined planes, also showing true-shape of section.
III. Machine Drawing
Unit 6:
Orthographic projections of simple machine blocks.
Unit 7:
Construction of isometric scale showing main divisions of 10 mm and smaller divisions of 1 mm each. Isometric projection (drawn to isometric scale) of figures such as triangles, squares, pentagons, hexagons, circles and semi-circles with their surface parallel to HP or VP and its one side or diagonal or diameter should be either parallel or perpendicular to HP/VP.
Unit 8:
Development of the surfaces of following solids:
- Cube, cuboid, prisms-triangular, square, pentagonal and hexagonal.
- Pyramids (triangular, square, pentagonal and hexagonal).
- Right circular cylinder and cone.
IV. Practicals
- Developing “Prisms” and “Pyramids” with the help of card board (thick paper).
- Developing different types of packing boxes (cartons).
- Making different types of graphic designs/murals for interior/exterior decorations in colour using the knowledge of geometrical figures with the use of any Computer Software such as Collab-CAD, CORAL DRAW, PHOTOSHOP, etc.
- Drawing ellipse by Trammel and Thread method on the ground / drawing sheet / plywood / cardboard, etc.
- Preparing top-view (plan) of a class room, Home: Drawing room / Bedroom / Study room / Kitchen, Engineering Graphics room drawing different objects therein.
- Drawing through activities: Involutes, cycloid, helix and sine curves listing their uses in daily life.
- Preparing the following sections of solids (prisms, pyramids, spheres, etc.) with clay, soap, thermocol, plasticine, wax or any other material easily and economically available. When the cutting plane is: parallel to the base, perpendicular to the base and inclined to the base. Also creating different objects with combination of above solids.