CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 12 Physical Education 2017 Outside Delhi
Time allowed : 3 hours
Maximum marks: 70
General Instructions:
- The question paper contains 26 questions.
- All questions are compulsory.
- Question no. 1 to 11 carry 1 mark each. Answers to these questions should be in approximately 10-20 words each.
- Questions no. 12 to 19 carry 3 marks each. Answers to these questions should be in approximately 30-50 words each.
- Questions no. 20 to 26 carry 5 marks each. Answers to these questions should be in approximately 75-100 words each.
** Answer is not given due to change in the present syllabus
Question 1.
Round-Robin Tournament is of two types.
Name them and give one major difference between them. [1]
There are two types of round-robin tournaments. In single round robin schedule, each participant plays other participant once and if each contestant plays all other twice, it is called a double round robin.
Question 2.
Define leadership. [1]
Leadership is the ability to build up confidence and zeal among people and to create an urge in them to be led.
Question 3.
What do you mean by food intolerance ? [1]
Food intolerance is that when a person has difficulty in digesting a particular food and develops any disease like nausea, vomiting, acidity, motions, stomach upset, headache etc.
Question 4.
State the common postural deformities. [1]
Some common postural deformities are spinal curvature, bow legs, knock knees, round shoulders and flat foot etc.
Question 5.
Name the motor development stages in children. [1]
The motor development in children is categorised as follows :
- Infants : (0 to 2 years)
- Early Childhood : The body development of child in age from 2 to 6 of years.
- Middle Childhood : This stage is from 7 to 10 years of age.
- Late childhood : (11 to 2 years)
Question 6.
Your grandmother feels that she has reduced her upper body flexibility and therefore she wants to test herself. Which test would you suggest to her ? [1]
Back Scratch test for upper body flexibility.
Question 7.
What is oxygen uptake ? [1]
The amount of oxygen, which can be absorbed and consumed by the working muscles from the blood.
Question 8.
What is incision ? [1]
An incision wound is a cut in the skin caused by sharp object, such as knife, broken glass, scissors or surgeon’s scalpel. Incision wounds are ‘neat’ and the edges of the skin are usually smooth.
Question 9.
An object thrown into the space either horizontally or at an acute angle under the action of gravity is called a projectile. Name the two forces which act on a projectile.** [1]
Question 10.
What do you mean by body image ?** [1]
Question 11.
What does the term ‘Fartlek’ mean and who developed this training method ? [1]
The word ‘Fartlek’ is a Swedish word which means ‘speed play’. Gosta Holmar developed it in 1937.
Question 12.
What are specific sports programmes ? Explain with suitable example. [3]
Sports and games programmes are arranged in the world as well as in our country to promote the games and sports for a specific cause. The programme motivates and creates the feeling of awareness for health, environment, unity and more & more people take part in these sports programmes. These specific sports programme are usually organized by the federations, NGO etc., to create health consciousness among the people and take part in health related sports programmes.
The various important specific programmes are:
- Sports day
- School: Annual sports day
- National sports day
- Health run
- Run for fun
- Rim for Unity
- Run for awareness
- Run for specific cause.
Question 13.
Write in brief about the leadership qualities that one inculcates by participating in adventure sports. [3]
Leaders are individuals who help and guide followers to achieve personal as well as group goals.
Leadership is the quality of person to lead others in a family, society, tribe, group or country. Leadership qualities are as below :
- Health and Energy
- Determination and Assertiveness
- Well developed components of physical fitness
- Dedication and discipline
- Truthfullness
- Integrity
- Credit and deserving
- Fair and persistence
- Good social and communication skills
- Inspiration, ambitious and motivation
- Logical and decisive
- Confidence
- Flexibility
- Intelligent
- Innovative, futuristic and creative
- Endurance and tolerance
- Judgement skill
Question 14.
How can women’s participation in sports and games be encouraged in India ? Explain. [3]
In Indian history of sports and games, there are only few names who participated actively in Olympics or other sports. Karnam Malleswari became the first Indian woman to secure a medal in Olympics. Saina Nehwal and MC Mary Kom put colourful cap of India in Olympics. Though, P. T. Usha is also a famous name but she could not win a medal. Other names who have participated in other games are Saniya Mirza in Tennis, Phogat Sisters in Wrestling, Anjum Chopra, Diana Edulji in Cricket. But women are victims of gender inequality. Discrimination against woman can be seen even in the field of media.
Reasons of less participation :
- No parental encouragement
- Traditional society
- Less knowledge
- Lack of sport infrastructure and inadequate training
- Concerns for personal safety and harassment or exploitation
Methods to increase women’s participation in sports:
- Coaching programmes
- Safety
- Facilities
- Grant of funds and increasing prizes at every level i.e., schools to national levels.
Question 15.
Write in brief about Osteoporosis. What are the causes of osteoporosis in women? [3]
Osteoporosis is a desease of bones. When bone density decreases and the body stops producing as much bone as it did before. It is most likely to occur in women after menopause because of sudden decrease in estrogen. As the bones become weaker, there is high risk of fracture during a fall in even a minor knock. It happens when women lose too much bone, make too little bone or both. As a result, bones may break from a minor fall. Estrogen is lower in case of female athletes. Low estrogen levels and poor nutrition, especially low calcium intake, can lead to Osteoporosis.
The cause of osteoporosis for women are :
- Due to lower levels of estrogen after menopause.
- Inadequate intake of calcium and vitamin-D.
- Lack of weight bearing exercise.
- Abnormal or absence of menstrual periods.
Question 16.
Explain the Rockport test. [3]
Rockport one mile walking test : The rockport walking test is sub-maximal field test to estimate VO2max in males and females ages 20 to 69 years.
Equipment : One mile track and stopwatch, weighing scale.
(i) Procedure : A level, one mile (1.6 KM) course is required. The inside lane of a one mile track is preferred, but any uninterrupted course of precisely one mile is suitable.
(ii) Participant with proper cloth and shoes, performs 5-10 minimum of light stretching before commencing the walk.
(iii) Instruct the participant to walk one mile as quickly as possible.
(iv) Record the participant’s heart rate (HR) immediately after the completion of the mile. It is preferable to have the participant wear a heart rate monitor for this measurement but the assessment of heart rate via palpation is a suitable alternative.
(v) Estimate the participant’s VO2max using the following formula which incorporates his/her body weight (lb), age (yr), gender (males = 1, females =0), time to complete one mile (min), and post exercise heart rate (bpm).
Estimated VO2max, ml-kg-1-min-1 = 132. – 0. 0769(Weight) – 0.3877 (Age) + 6.315 (Gender) – 3.2649 (Time) – 0.1565 (HR)
Question 17.
A famous cricket star Phillip Hughes was struck behind the ear by a ball while batting and died two days after the injury. He was wearing a helmet but the possible reason mentioned was that even when using a helmet, possibly a significant part of the neck remained exposed and the ball hit him there. And now most of the top cricketers across the would use deeper protection.
(a) Do you feel protective gears are important? Lay stress on your views.
(b) What first aid should be provided during injury at the superficial layer of the skin?
In a sport like Cricket, protective gears or sport gears are very vital. In recent past, it is observed that when a forceful ball hits the batsman or fielder, it may cause injuries or even deaths.
(a) In the game of Cricket one should protect head, arms, chest, thighs, private parts, knees, legs and feet. There are various protective gears such as helmet, batting gloves, chest guard, thigh guards, arm pads, shoulder pads, abdominal guard, leg protector, shoes, wicket keeping gloves etc. These sport gears must be of good quality. The proper protective equipments play significant role in preventing the sports injury.
- Clean the affected part with fresh water.
- Use clean sterilized qauze to wipe the affected part.
- Antiseptic ointment should be used.
- Refer to the doctor in case of serious injury.
Question 18.
What is meant by ‘motivation’ ? Explain the different techniques of motivation to achieve high goals in sports. [3]
Motivation means to be inspired to do something. Indeed, motivation is the inner condition of the individual that directs his behaviour towards a goal. The force of motivation incites individuals to perform some activities. It also determines the individual’s direction of action and his intensity of action.
There are two types of motivation :
(i) Intrinsic Motivation : Intrinsic motivation is internal. It occurs when people are compelled to do something out of pleasure, importance or desire. Motivation is always intrinsic when the force comes from within oneself. For example, when a person indulges in any sport to have mastery, to display superiority or to gain social approval, it is an intrinsic motivation.
(ii) Eccentric motivation : Eccentric motivation is external. It occurs when external factors compel the person to do something. Motivation is always eccentric, when external forces, positive or negative, produce a behavioural change. Reward, punishment, praise, blame or cash prize are example of eccentric motivation. It has been found that such devices motivate some persons more strongly than others. Infact eccentric motivation includes factors that motivate the individual in achieving the goal.
Question 19.
Explain Interval training method. [3]
Interval training method : It is a training of heart, through endurance training. It is also called terrace training. Dr. Woldemar and Gerschler, introduced this training method in 1930. In this method athlete use to run 400 m race 10 to 20 times daily instead of running 10 or 20 miles daily. Then, this training method came to be known as interval training method. Infact, this training method is based upon “effort and recovery” principle. During interval training, recovery time is given to the athlete after each speedy workout. Recovery period can be adjusted according to the efficiency of athlete. For an athlete of 400 m race following example can be applicable for his training.
- 400 m race with 80% race.
- Walking or jogging until his heart rate comes down to 120 to 140 approximately.
- More workout can be performed in short duration.
- It is more beneficial for respiratory and circulatory systems and they can be trained both at same time.
- The progress of the athlete can be measured easily.
Question 20.
What are the Nutritive and Non-nutritive components of diet ? Explain. [5]
A diet which consists of all the essential food constituent viz. proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and water in correct pro-portions is called balanced diet. In balanced diet both nutritive and non-nutritive components are necessary.
(i) Nutritive component of diet : Nutritive component of diet are those components which contribute or provide energy or calorie. There are various nutritive components of diet, such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals etc.
(a) Fat : Fat is considered as a major source of energy for athletes. Various type of sport require different proportions of fat to muscles for maximum performance. A minimum amount of fat is desirable for a distance runner, high jumper or gymnast. Distance swimmers need a certain amount of fat distributed near the skin surface to diminish the heat loss to the water.
(b) Minerals : The mineral deficiency can decrease the performance specially during the exercises in hot climate. Sweating reduces the amount of sodium and chloride in the body. Excess amount of salt intake can lead to potassium loss and increased water retention. This condition can be harmful for the persons with hypertension.
(c) Vitamins : Vitamins are chemicals which are required in very small amount to keep our body healthy. If a particular vitamin is not taken in diet, it may cause a deficiency dis-ease. For example, if vitamin ‘C’ is not taken in diet, it may cause the scurvy disease.
(d) Proteins : The word ‘Protein’ is derived from the Greek word’ Proteus’, which means ‘the best substance from foodstuffs’. The protoplasm is formed by protein which is base of living cell. Our physical growth and development will be retarded, if we take less amount of protein in our food.
(e) Carbohydrates : This is also a essential constituent of food. Carbohydrates act as a fuel in our body and give energy. We also need carbohydrates for the formation of fats. The individuals, who perform hard work, need maximum amount of carbohydrates. Due to lack of carbohydrates in the body, he loses weight. The skin becomes loose and wrinkles start appearing’on the face. The source of carbohydrates are Rice, maize, jowar, bajra, pulses, gram, dry pea, dates, grape, potato, banana etc.
(ii) Non-nutritive component of diet : Non-nutritive components of diet are those components which do not contribute or provide energy or calories. Roughage water, color, flavour and pesticide residue etc., are among the non-nutritive components of diet or food.
Question 21.
What do you mean by correct posture ? Explain the standing and sitting postures. What are the causes of bad posture ?** [5]
Question 22.
Explain ‘weight training’ as one of the oldest methods for development of strength. Describe its advantages and disadvantages. [5]
Weight training is the oldest method of exercise to develop strength. It includes those exercises, that are designed to strengthen specific muscles by causing them to overcome a fixed resistance, usually in the form of Barbells or Dumbles.
Advantages of Weight training :
- Improves postures and range of motion.
- Increases muscles strength, bone density and endurances.
- Improves motor performance.
- Promotes healthy blood pressure and cholesterol level.
- Maintains healthy weight.
- Develops confidence and self esteem.
- Improves immune system functions.
- Improves psyco-socio well being.
- Promotes and develops exercise habits.
Disadvantages of weight training :
- Maturity
- Introduce injury
- Safety
- Loss of flexibility
Question 23.
Explain the physiological factors determining speed. [5]
Definition of speed : Speed is the ability to move quickly aross the ground or move limbs rapidly to grab or throw.
Factors affecting speed :
(i) Neuro-muscular coordination : It relates to the ability of the nervous system to efficiently recruit a muscle or group of muscles in order to perform a specific task. Neuro-muscular coordination works on two levels :
(a) lntra-Muscular Coordination : If the fibers in the muscle all contract and relax in synchronization, then you are producing more muscle power. Basically, the better intra-muscular coordination, the more efficiently the muscle in working.
(b) Inter-Muscular Coordination : The co-ordination between different muscles or group muscles while performing a specific task or activity.
Intra and Inter-muscular coordination improves with repetition training; muscles adopt and learn to do that specific sport movement more and more efficiently, once a person develops a certain level of coordination in a movement they don’t need to focus as much on it.
(ii) Speed in the muscle contraction : Speed of contraction depends on the characteristic and distribution of slow and fast twitch fibres each person mainly has and it is genetically determined so it does not change significantly with training. The fast muscle moves 5 times faster than the slow muscle and the super-fast moves 10 times faster than the slow muscle fibre.
(iii) Muscle strength levels : There is strong link between speed and strength; both contribute to the power.
(iv) Gender and age : Speed level increases at the same time that the nervous system and the locomotor- system develop. Boys and girls have the same speed levels until the beginning of puberty; during puberty, muscular strength develops in both genders but is more pronounced in boys, therefore it provides them higher speed levels. The maximum speed development is achieved around the age of 20 years and with the appropriate training it can be maintained and even get better until 30-35 years of age.
(v) Proper technique and sport performance will allow being more efficient in movements, doing them faster and also avoiding injuries. It will also improve the biomechanical sport movements by teaching the body and the mind the correct motor patterns and store them in your muscle memory so you can repeat them without thinking particularly when you are tired.
(vi) Attentional states : Influence the response time to the stimulus. Developing anticipation skill is one of the characteristics of great athletes. Anticipation is a sport specific ability to reduce the time it takes to respond to a stimulus, being able to react to an event before it has actually happened. A tennis player who anticipates the type of serve the opponent will use, detecting certain clues early in the serving sequence that predicts the potential type of server so that player can start moving towards the direction of server quicker than usual. Experience is also a very important factor in anticipation.
Question 24.
Classify sports injuries. Explain ‘P.R.I.C.E’ procedure as a treatment of soft tissue injuries.
It is common fact that the injuries in every sport is of different type. We can classify sports injuries as below:
Question 25.
What is personality ? Explain its different dimensions. [5]
Personality is a combination of two works i.e., PERSONAL + IDENTITY = Personality.
Thus, any variable or component that makes a person unique, different from all other constitutes a part of one’s a Holistic Personality. Holistic personality means all round development of
(i) BODY
(ii) MIND (Knowledge, communication and emotion)
(iii) SOUL
There are 11 Domains of personality
R = Regularity in,
S = Safety,
S = Self Responsibility
M = Mental Activity,
O = Occupational Activities,
V = Vital, .
E = Environmental,
S = Social P = Physical,
E = Emotional,
S – Spiritual,
T = Temporal (Physical Growth)
Personality Dimensions:
The five-factor model is comprised of five personality dimensions (OCEAN): Openness to experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion,
Agreeableness and Neuroticism. The five dimensions are held to be a complete of personality.
Question 26.
What are the various types of friction ? How is friction advantageous or disadvantageous in the field of games and sports ? Explain with suitable examples. [5]
The force acting along two surfaces in contact which opposes the motion of one body over the other is called the force of friction. It is very important in sports. The larger the area of contact between the surfaces, the greater is the force of friction. When both the surfaces are smooth, the force of friction is reduced to almost zero.
Three types of friction are :
(i) Static Friction : The opposing force that comes into play when one body tends to move over another surface but the actual motion has not started.
(ii) Limiting Friction : The maximum opposing force that comes into play when one body is just on the verge of moving over the surface of other body.
(iii) Kinetic Friction : The opposing force that comes into play when one body is actually moving over the surface of another body.
Friction is mostly advantageous. It means that it is essential in games and sports. Without friction, we cannot give a better performance in the field of sport.
Example : Spiked shoes are used by athletes for running and studs used in foot-ball boots of the players. However, friction has disadvantages also. In cycling, there should not be more friction between road surface and tyres of the cycle.