CBSE Syllabus for Class 12 Psychology
Course Structure for Class XII Psychology
Unit | Topic | Marks |
I | Variations in Psychological Attributes | 9 |
II | Self and Personality | 10 |
III | Meeting Life Challenges | 7 |
IV | Psychological Disorders | 10 |
V | Therapeutic Approaches | 7 |
VI | Attitude and Social Cognition | 8 |
VII | Social Influence and Group Processes | 7 |
VIII | Psychology and Life | 6 |
IX | Developing Psychological Skills | 6 |
Total | 70 |
Unit-I: Variations in Psychological Attributes
- Introduction
- Individual Differences in Human Functioning
- Assessment of Psychological Attributes
- Intelligence
- Theories of Intelligence
- Theory of Multiple Intelligences
- Triarchic Theory of Intelligence
- Planning, Attention-arousal, and Simultaneous successive
- Model of Intelligence
- Individual Differences in Intelligence
- Variations of Intelligence
- Culture and Intelligence
- Emotional Intelligence
- Special Abilities
- Aptitude: Nature and Measurement
- Creativity
Unit-II: Self and Personality
- Introduction
- Self and Personality
- Concept of Self
- Cognitive and Behavioural Aspects of Self
- Self-esteem, Self-efficacy and Self-regulation
- Culture and Self
- Concept of Personality
- Major Approaches to the Study of Personality
- Type Approaches
- Trait Approaches
- Psychodynamic Approach
- Behavioural Approach
- Cultural Approach
- Humanistic Approach
- 8. Assessment of Personality
- Self-report Measures
- Projective Techniques
- Behavioural Analysis
Unit-III: Meeting Life Challenges
- Introduction
- Nature, Types and Sources of Stress
- Effects of Stress on Psychological Functioning and Health
- Stress and Health
- General Adaptation Syndrome
- Stress and Immune System
- Lifestyle
- Coping with Stress
- Adaptation and Adjustments (From the CBSE Supplementary Reading Material)
- Stress Management Techniques
- Promoting Positive Health and Well-being
- Life Skills
- Human Strengths and Virtues From the CBSE Supplementary Reading Material)
Unit-IV: Psychological Disorders
- Introduction
- Concepts of abnormality and psychological Disorders
- Classification of Psychological Disorders
- Factors Underlying Abnormal Behaviour
- Major Psychological Disorders
- Anxiety Disorders
- Somatoform Disorders
- Dissociative Disorders
- Mood Disorders
- Schizophrenic Disorders
- Behavioural and Developmental Disorders
- Substance-use Disorders
Unit-V: Therapeutic Approaches
- Nature and process of psychotherapy
- Therapeutic relationship
- Types of therapies
- Psychodynamic Therapy
- Behaviour Therapy
- Cognitive Therapy
- Humanistic-existential Therapy
- Biomedical Therapy
- Alternative Therapies
- Zen (From the CBSE Supplementary Reading Material)
- Counselling (From the CBSE Supplementary Reading Material)
- Rehabilitation of the Mentally III
Unit-VI: Attitude And Social Cognition
- Introduction
- Explaining Social Behaviour
- Nature and Components of Attitudes
- Attitude Formation and Change
- Attitude Formation
- Attitude Change
- Attitude-Behaviour Relationship
- Prejudice and Discrimination
- Strategies for Handling Prejudice
- Social Cognition
- Schemas and Stereotypes
- Impression Formation and Explaining
- Behaviour of Others through Attributions
- Impression Formation
- Attribution of Causality
- Behaviour in the Presence of Others
- Pro-social Behaviour
- Factors Affecting Pro-social Behaviour
Unit-VII: Social Influence And Group Processes
- Introduction
- Nature and Formation of Groups
- Type of Groups
- Influence of Group on Individual Behaviour
- Social Loafing
- Group Polarisation
- Conformity, Compliance, and Obedience
- Cooperation and Competition
- Determinants of Cooperation and Competition
- Social Identity
- Intergroup Conflict: Nature and Causes
- Conflict Resolution Strategies
Unit-VIII: Psychology and Life
- Introduction
- Human-Environment Relationship
- Different Views of the Human-Environment Relationship
- Environmental Effects on Human Behaviour
- Human Influence on the Environment
- Noise
- Pollution
- Crowding
- Natural Disasters
- Promoting Pro-environmental Behaviour
- Psychology and Social Concerns
- Poverty and Discrimination
- Aggression, Violence, and Peace
- Mahatma Gandhi on Non-violence
- Health
- Impact of Television on Behaviour
- Media and Human Values (From the CBSE Supplementary Reading Material)
- Human Rights (From the CBSE Supplementary Reading Material)
- Citizenship (From the CBSE Supplementary Reading Material)
- Promotion of Peace (From the CBSE Supplementary Reading Material)
Unit-IX: Developing Psychological Skills
- Introduction
- Developing as an effective Psychologist
- General Skills
- Intellectual and Personal Skills; Sensitivity to Diversity
- Observational Skills
- Specific Skills
- Communication Skills
- Psychological Testing Skills
- Interviewing Skills
- Counselling Skills