CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 Science SA2 with Solutions paper 2
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Time: 3 Hrs MaxMarks: 90
General Instructions:
A) The question paper comprises of two sections, A and B. You are to attempt both the sections.
B) All questions are compulsory.
C) There is no overall choice. However, internal choice has been provided in all the five
questions of five marks category. Only one option in such questions is to be attempted.
D) All questions of section A and all questions of section B are to be attempted separately.
E) Questions number 1 to 3 in section A are one mark questions. These are to be answered in one
word or in one sentence.
F) Questions numbers 4 to 7 in section A are two marks questions. These are to be answered in
about 30 words each.
G) Questions numbers 8 to 19 in section A are three marks questions. These are to be answered
in about 50 words each.
H) Questions numbers 20 to 24 in section A are five marks questions. These are to be answered
in about 70 words each.
I) Questions number 25 to 42 in section B are multiple choice questions based on practical
skills. Each question is a one mark question. You are to select one most appropriate response
out of the four provided to you
1. Define Homologous Series.
A homologous series is a group of organic compounds having the same functional group
and similar chemical properties in which the successive compounds differ by CH2 group.
2. Give two examples of biodegradable materials.
Vegetables peel, dry leaves, hay etc.
3. What is radiocarbon dating?
Radiocarbon dating is a radiometric dating technique that uses the decay of carbon-14
(14C) to estimate the age of organic materials.
4. A coin in a glass beaker appears to rise as the beaker is slowly filled with water. Why?
It happens on account of refraction of light. A ray of light starting from the coin goes from
water to air and bends away from normal. Therefore, bottom of the beaker on which the
coin lies appears to be raised.
5. Define hydrogenation and its applications in industries.
The addition of hydrogen to an unsaturated hydrocarbon to get a saturated hydrocarbon is
called hydrogenation. It is used to prepare vegetable ghee from vegetable oils.
6. Suggest two approaches to conserve forests.
Approaches to conserve forests are
i) Afforestation and Reforestation.
ii) Building of national parks, sanctuaries and biosphere reserves.
7. What will be your role as an individual in conserving coal and petroleum?
Switch off the lights, fans, television and other electrical appliances when not needed.
This will save a lot of electricity.
Bicycles should be used for covering short distances to save precious fuel like petrol.
Using alternate source of energy like solar lights, solar heaters that save electricity.
8. What do you mean by dispersion of light? Draw a diagram to show the dispersion of white light by a glass prism.
When a beam of white light is passed through a glass prism, it is split up into a band of
colours called spectrum. This is called dispersion of white light.
9. Three mirrors, one plane, one concave and one convex are lying on the table.
a) How can a person identify them without touching them or using any other apparatus or
Plane mirror produces the image of same size. Concave mirror produces a magnified
image, while convex mirror will produce a diminished image.
b) The rays parallel to the principal axis, of a spherical mirror, actually meet at a point 15
cm away from its pole. Identify the mirror and give its focal length.
Concave mirror and f = 15 cm
10. A convex mirror used in a car has a focal length of 300 cm
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