CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 SA2 English Solved 2016 Set 4
1. Read the following passage carefully.
Speed breakers have sprung up all over our cities, making driving quite hazardous. The traffic police have thus resorted to what they call ‘life calming measures’. Essentially a pedestrian friendly measure by the traffic police, speed breakers have become a source of great agitation for most drivers. They have become a nuisance because they are not built or installed according to guidelines. Also the choice of spots for putting speed breakers is arbitrary and causes a lot of damage to vehicles and poses a threat to people, ii Essentially there are three types of speed breakers. Rumble strips are considered ideal for situations where the speed needs to be brought down drastically. The second variety, speed tables, are used where pedestrians and cyclists only, cross the road. The third variety, transverse bar markings, are used where speeds have to be brought down a little. The traffic police, which is the primary agency for identifying the location and need for speed breakers, says that it recommends them on the request of resident welfare associations, or in places which tend to be accident-prone. The reality is that several speed breakers have come up which do not adhere t to the guidelines of the Indian Roads Congress, the primary body that provides guidelines on the building of speed breakers.
According to the IRC, speed breakers may be built by providing a ’rounded’ hump of 3.7 m width and 0.01 m height for speeds up to 25 kmph. These are to be used on minor roads or where a minor road meets an arterial road or highway. Also, the lesser the speed of the vehicles using the road, the shorter must be the width and height of the speed breaker. For heavier vehicles, trucks and buses the humps may be modified with 1.5m long ramps at each edge. Speed breakers can be repeated over a section to keep speeds low throughout the stretch.
Unplanned or illegal speed breakers can be dangerous as they slow down emergency vehicles, such as ambulances, police vehicles and fire trucks. Such breakers can cause traffic congestion during peak hours. They increase noise pollution as pedestrians are forced to slow down and vehicle parts break down due to sudden stopping. These illegal hurdles also reduce fuel efficiency and increased air pollution. The impact of a speed breaker can also be harmful for patients in transit or senior citizens and pregnant women. Thus citizens should not build these road blocks themselves.
Q. On the basis of your reading of the above passage answer the following questions.
(a) Why have speed breakers become hazardous?
(b) Which authority is allowed to put up speed breakers and why? ‘
(c) What variety of speed breakers is put up for pedestrians and cyclists?
(d) How do the traffic police decide on the location of speed breakers?
(e) Which body provides the guidelines for building speed breakers?
(f) What is a rounded hump?
(g) Give one reason why speed breakers can be dangerous.
(h) How do speed breakers cause air pollution?
2. Read the following passage carefully,
A key marine wealth that had disappeared from the face of the Gujarat coast has made a comeback. The Zoological Survey of India has made perhaps the largest coral reef restoration project in the world by successfully regenerating the unique variety of corals known branching corals’. ‘These corals are now found from the southern tip of the Gulf of Mannar to the Gulf of Kutchch in Gujarat. The region once had a thriving population of corals belonging to the genera Acropora and Montipora but they were subjected to massive degradation due to human activity.
Several attempts were made to transport the fragile corals from other areas but they kept withering even before reaching their destination. Yet after a sustained and dedicated effort of two years, researchers were able to transport the branching coral .
According to the Zoological Survey of India, the corals transported from the Gulf of Mannar are growing well on different islands in Kutchch. The islands of Pirotan, Narara, Poshitra and Mithapur have been identified for growing the corals. The sustained progress of the growth of the coral in these areas have been found favourable. There are four stages to be followed when transplanting the coral. The first stage is bringing of the coral from another area. Thereafter, comes the stage of monitoring the coral growth and finally the stage of regeneration of the coral. The corals from Mannar are raised in a nursery in Pirotan island while the Narara island is used as a quarantine space for the coral.
The experiment has other unique qualities. It is the first successful experiment of transporting coral from one place to that is highly sedimented. Thus the monitoring of the transplanted coral continues even after they have successfully taken root The researchers visit the area twice a week to clear the silt and sand and to clear the sea of sea weeds.
Known as ‘tropical rainforests of the oceans’ coral reefs are marine ecosystems. They support a rich and colourful array of aquatic flora and fauna. Hence they serve as nurseries for breeding and feeding marine wildlife. They also protect coastlines from harsh ocean storms and floods and provide livelihood opportunities through tourism and fishery.
2.1 Answer the following questions in about 30-40 words.
(a) What work has the Zoological Survey of India undertaken in Gujarat?
(b) Mention two unique facts about branching corals.
(c) What are the four stages followed in the transplanting of the coral?
(d) What are the advantages gained from this experiment?
2.2 Choose the word which is closest in meaning to the words given below.
(a) comeback
(i) return (ii) calling a person
(iii) turning one’s back
(b) monitoring
(i) variety of lizard (ii) a Greek monster
(iii) a class head bo (iv) keeping a close watch
(c) quarantine
(i) a quarter (ii) to keep in isolation
(iii) infectious disease (iv) a musical step
(d) aquatic
(i) to get something (ii) plants and fish
(iii) related to water (iv) swimming
Section B – Writing & Grammar
3. Write a letter in about 100-125 words to the editor of The Neighbourhood Times, about the growing mosquito menace in your locality and urge the municipal authorities to take measures to control it You can take help from MCB unit’Environment’. Sign yourself as R A Lamba of Mohammadpur Village, Delhi.
You have recently read a blog posted by a foreign tourist about the lack of cultural activities in small towns in India. You decide to write an article for the feature pages of your local newspaper informing such travellers about the attractions of small places in India. You can take help from MCB unit ‘Travel and Tourism’. Sign yourself as Mohit/ Mohita.
7. Rearrange the following word clusters to make meaningful sentences.
(a) old / the / blind / sage / recognize / and / people / was / could / not
(b) Sunday / rain / started / the / early / of / in / hours / the
(c) little / too / convinced / we / much / know / and / by / are / too
Section C – Literature Textbooks and Long Reading Text
8. Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow.
‘You’ll remain a mere beginner.
But with me you’ll be a winner
‘Dearest frog! the nightingale Breathed; ‘This is a fairytale-And you’re Mozart in disguise Come to earth before my eyes!
(a) Who will remain a mere beginner and why?
(b)Why does the nightingale refer to the incident as a fairytale?
(c) Who is referred to a ‘Mozart in disguise’ and why?
I found others who had suffered similarly and between us we organized ‘the Writer’s Inspiration Bureau’. We scout around until we find a writer without ideas and with a mind soft enough to accept impression!
(a) Who is the speaker of these lines and to whom is it being said?
(b) What Work does the speaker and his kind do?
(c) Why had the writer come in contact with this person?
9. Answer any four of the following questions in 30-40 words each.
(a) What reason does Brutus give for killing Caesar?
(b) What is the poetic device used in the line ‘I swallow’?
(c) What change followed in Ali’s life after his daughter’s marriage?
(d) Why did Luigi the writer’s driver, not approve of Nicola and his brother?
(e) How did the villagers help Mrs Packletide in shooting the tiger?
10. Answer the following question in about 80-100 words each.
What values about human creativity does one derive from the poem ‘Ozymandias’?
‘The postmaster was a public servant appointed by the government.’ What according to you should be the behaviour of a public servant towards the public? Give four guidelines about the statement.
Attempt any one — Part A or Part B
Part A
11. In the novel ‘The Diary of a Young Girl’ the overlying idea that one gets is that hope sustains life. Discuss thisremark in the light of the contents of the novel.
What sort of a person was Mr van Daan? Draw a character sketch on the basis of the details given in the novel ‘The Diary of a Young Girl’.
Part B
11. Describe the incident around ‘The Frost King’ as mentioned in the novel ‘The Story of My Life’ and how it affected Helen Keller.
What opinion does the reader form of Mr Gilman, from the account given in ‘The Story of My Life’?
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