CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 SA2 English Communicative Solved 2016 Set 10
1.(a) Read the following passage carefully and complete the sentences that follow:
- Plastics form an important class of synthetics — plastics are also polymers. Since most plastics can be easily moulded into any shape after heating, they are used for making a variety of objects of different shapes and sizes.
- Plastics are also poor conductors of electricity and that is why they are used as covering materials in electrical appliances, cords and wiring. Plastics are insoluble in water and are, therefore, used for making bottles, buckets and other containers. Most plastics are inflammable. However, they do not corrode, or rust and so are mostly used in homes and laboratories.
- Despite the many different uses of plastics, there are environmental and health hazards associated with their disposal. This is because plastics are non-biodegradable. Accumulation of plastics is considered a serious problem because most of the methods used to dispose them result in some type of damage to the environment. Though somewhere between 500 million to 1 trillion plastic bags are consumed worldwide each year, most plastic wastes end up littering roadsides and form ugly dumps that harbour many disease causing organisms. Plastics dumped in water bodies pose a threat to aquatic life; plastics that get buried prevent rainwater from seeping into the ground. This affects the growth of plants. When plastics are burnt, they produce toxic gases and smoke.
- A variety of objects can be made by________________ .
- Electricity does not pass_______________ .
- Plastics are used in homes and laboratories because of_____________________ .
- They are, however, not______________ .
- Heaps of plastic waste carry_______________ .
(b)Read the following passage carefully :
- One Indian virtue that has impressed me greatly and touched me deeply is the Indian people’s freedom from rancour. When you, the people of India, find yourselves forced to struggle with other people — and there are situations in which this cannot be avoided — you manage, so it seems to me, to do this without letting yourselves fall into hating your adversaries. A recent example is the spirit in which you conducted your successful struggle with my country for your country’s independence. And when once a struggle is over you certainly do not brood over the past or nurse grievances. I could give a number of illustrations of this unresentful Indian spirit from my own experience, but I need merely call attention to what is going on at this moment in this place. An Englishman is speaking to you, at your invitation, in memory of an Indian of Muslim religion in whose honour you have founded this lectureship. Well, who have been the latest invaders of India? The English have been the latest of all; the Muslim the latest but one.
- When, on my last visit to Delhi, I was standing by Gandhiji’s shrine, to pay reverence to him, I was thinking to myself: Has there ever been another case in which a leader in a successful struggle for political liberation has been a benefactor, not only to his own people but also to the nation from whose rule he has helped his own people to free themselves ?
1.On the basis of your reading of the passage complete the following statements :
(а) In some situations it is easy for one_________________ .
(b) The author is appreciative of India for_________________ .
2.Answer these questions briefly.
(a)What does ‘my country’ refer to in para 1 ?
(b)What special quality of Gandhiji was noted by the author ?
3.Find a word from the passage which means the same as ‘opponents’
2.Read the passage carefully and on the basis of your study of the passage answer the questions given below :
No man can be a good teacher unless he has feelings of warm affection towards his pupils and a genuine desire to impart to them what he himself believes to be of value. This is not the attitude of the propagandist. To the propagandist his pupils are potential soldiers in an army. They are to serve purposes that lie outside their own lives, not in the sense in which every generous purpose transcends self, but in the sense of ministering to unjust privilege or to despotic power. The propagandist does not desire that his pupils should survey the world and freely choose a purpose which to them appears of value. He desires, like a topiarian artist, that their growth shall be trained and twisted to suit the gardener’s purpose. And in thwarting their natural growth he is apt to destroy in then all generous vigour, replacing it by envy, destructiveness, and cruelty. There is no need for men to be cruel; on the contrary, I am persuaded that most cruelty results from thwarting in early years, above all from thwarting what is good.
Repressive and persecuting passions are very common, as the present state of the world only too amply proves. But they are not an inevitable part of human nature. On the contrary, they are, I believe, always the outcome of some kind of unhappiness. It should be one of the functions of the teacher to open vistas before his pupils showing them the possibility of activities that will be as delightful as they are useful thereby letting loose their kind impulses and preventing the growth of a desire to rob others of joys that they will have missed. Many people decry happiness as an end, both for themselves and for others, but one may suspect them of sour grapes. It is one thing to forgo personal happiness . for a public end, but it is quite another to treat the general happiness as a thing of no account. Yet this is often done in the name of some supposed heroism. In those who take this attitude there is generally some vein of cruelty based probably upon an unconscious envy, and the source of the envy will usually be found in childhood or youth. It should be the aim of the educator to train adults free from these psychological misfortunes, and not anxious to rob others of happiness because they themselves have not been robbed of it.
As matters Stand to-day, many teachers are unable to do the best of which they are capable. For this there are a number of reasons, some more or less accidental, other very deep-seated. To begin with the former, most teachers are overworked and are compelled to prepare their pupils for examinations rather than to give them a liberalizing mental training. The people who are not accustomed to teaching — and this includes practically all education authorities — have no idea of the expense of spirit that it involves. Clergymen are not expected to preach sermons for several hours every day, but the analogous effort is demanded of teachers.
(a)What should be the role of a teacher in the modern set-up in nationbuilding ?
(b)Do you approve of the use of rod by a teacher in imparting education ?
(Writing & Grammar)
3.Taking clues from the MCB unit ‘Children’, write a diary entry in 100 120 words about the growing habit of eating junk food and taking fizzy drink almost daily at home and in school. You can make use of the following hints :
- junk food and fizzy drinks unhealthy
- cause of many problems
- parents and teachers should persuade children to avoid them
- new recipes should be tried
4.Write an original story that begins with this line in 150-200 words :
Dr Mehra saw the man lying on a pavement in the sun on a sunny day. He could not resist himself and
5.Choose the most appropriate options from the ones given below to complete the following paragraph.
I was very happy (a) ________________ winning a scholarship (b) ___________________ my
happiness was short lived to know that I (c)____________________ not be able to get it as
my father’s income is higher than the one specified for.
(a) (i) to (ii) in (iii) on (iv) by
(b) (i) and (ii) but (iii) or (iv) for
(c) (i) will (ii) shall (iii) am (iv) would
6.The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction against the correct blank number in your answer sheet. The first one has been done for you as an example.
It is not officially yet but the sports e.g., officially ……………….. official
ministry has decision not to allow (a) ………………………………….
the Indian cricket team for take (b) ………………………………….
part to next month’s triangular (c) ………………………………….
tournament from Pakistan and (d) ………………………………….
Sri Lanka at Sharjah.
7.Rearrange the jumbled words to form meaningful sentences. The first one has been done for you.
Example : spiders / are / not / many / dangerous
Not many spiders are dangerous.
(a)Antarctica / found / spiders / worldwide / are / continent except / on every / for
(b)very / helpful / in fact / they’re / eat / they / because / flies /mosquitoes / ants / other / and / insect / pests
(c)don’t / get / caught / spiders / own / in / their / webs
(Literature Textbook & Long Reading Text)
8.Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow :
I am beautiful pearls, plucked from the Crown of Ishtar by the daughter of Dawn To embellish the gardens.
(a)Who is ‘I’ here ?
(b)What does the speaker do ?
(c)Give the meaning of the word ‘embellish’.
No ! No ! I daren’t, Besides I must go on,
I must go to Paris; It is big, and I – I can be lost there.
(a)When does the convict utter these words ?
(b)Why does he refuse to stay in the Bishop’s house for the night ?
(c)Give the meaning of ‘lost’ in the context.
9.Answer these questions in 30-40 words each :
(a)What is a ‘nickname’ ? Can you suggest another one for Private Quelch ? {The Man Who Knew Too Much)
(b)How is the world like a drama stage ?
(c)Why does Per some feel the people pretend to be sick ?
(d)Why were Harold’s parents in awe of him ?
10.“He believes that ‘our’ plate-glass is the most important commodity in the world the Cambria Steel Works, the best company and that when a man is in his home town, he ought to be decent and law-abiding.”
Should a man behave decently only at home or a particular place ? Shouldn’t he be well-behaved and decent everywhere and with everyone ? Write an article on the value of good conduct.
Value Points :
- consistently good behaviour everywhere desirable
- people appreciate natural and sincere actions
- hypocrisy condemnable
- people can see through double standards easily
“He was a professional boxer. That was the trouble” .
In what context are these words spoken ? Is boxing as a profession immoral or bad, not to be followed by the wards of boxers ? Write a paragraph on the value of fairness and open-mindedness.
Value Points :
- games should be taken as sports
- boxers are just normal human beings
- nothing is good or bad
- aptitude should not be curbed
- such games no threat to civilized world
11.How does Swift make fun of politicians in Lagado ?
Give a character sketch of Lemuel Gulliver, basing your answer on Part III and Part IV of the novel.
Describe in your own words the Datchet incident as described by the narrator.
Describe one funny incident involving the dog Montmorency.
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