CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 SA2 English Communicative Solved 2016 Set 13
1.(a) Read the passage carefully and complete the statements that follow :
- If you have a family history of heart attack and fear you’ll be next in line, take heart. Genetic predisposition increases risk of heart attacks just by 10-20 per cent : what you have to watch out for its risk factors such as diabetes, high triglycerides, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity and smoking.
- Researchers at the Cleveland Clinic reported that almost 90 per cent of patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) have at least one of these risk factors : diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure or smoking. Reported in The Journal of the American Medical Association, the study said controlling these factors can dramatically reduce the risk of CHD.
- Indians, however, have to face two other risk factors : diabetes and high triglycerides. “While total cholesterol is a major risk factor in the West, high triglycerides and insulin-intolerance are a greater risk factor for Indians,” says Dr Naresh Trehan, chief cardiac surgeon at the Escorts Heart Institute.
- Agrees Dr Harbans Wasir, Chief Cardiologist at Batra Heart Institute : “A study at AIIMS showed that Indians have high bad cholesterol, low good cholesterol and high triglycerides, all of which can be altered by eating healthy food, losing weight and exercising.”
- You should not be unduly worried if__________ .
- The heart attack is generally caused by___________ .
- Controlling the risk factors goes a long way in___________ .
- Indians must watch the level__________ .
- Bad cholesterol can be checked by_________ .
(b)Read the following passage carefully :
- 1 was a below average student. Both in schools and colleges, rarely my teachers knew me by name. I don’t think I was a dunce; just that I didn’t have an academic bent of mind. Since failures were more a habit than an exception, a below par performance never disturbed me. Neither were my teachers proud of me nor did I make my parents feel proud of me.
- Of course, my parents being noble-hearted, never gave up on me. They never put me down in the presence of others. In fact, to shield me, they always projected a positive image of me to the world.
- In 1984, while pursuing my graduation in mathematics, I had failed in one of the subjects in my fourth semester. I already had three arrears. For the first time, hearing about my failure, I saw tears in my father’s eyes. This was my first experience of seeing my father cry. I couldn’t handle his crying. To withdraw myself I escaped to the terrace of my apartment. I suffered a fear like I have never known before. I was trembling. I never wanted my parents to ever cry again because of my failures. But, I was scared. “Was it too late to begin in life,” I doubted. I was already over 18, just about 50% marks in my four semesters, 4 arrears to clear and 3 regular papers to face in my fifth semester, no talent, no special abilities, never won a prize in my life, not a single certificate…. I truly wanted to make it very big in life, if not for my sake, just to make up for all that I had put my parents through.
1.On the basis of your reading of the passage complete the following statements :
(a)The narrator confesses of his being___________ .
(b)He did not bother about__________ .
2.Answer the following questions briefly :
(a)What was the attitude of the narrator’s parents ?
(b)How did the narrator react on seeing tears in his father’s eyes ?
3.Give a word from the passage which means the same as ‘a stupid or slow learner’, (para 1)
2.Read the passage carefully and on the basis of your study of the passage answer the questions given below :
India is shamed again, again and yet again. Her daughters are being disrobed and the whole world is witness to it. In the last couple of months, cases of criminal assault on women were reported from across the country, the most shocking of them all being the one that took place in an impoverished Uttar Pradesh village, Badaun. Two minor sisters, barely children, who had gone to relieve themselves at night were kidnapped, brutally gang-raped and then hung from a tree. The incident was followed by massive media uproar and public debate but, as always, violence against women continued in the state and across the country.
A history of the cases in the last few years reveals certain similarities. They were committed by groups of men who subjected the victim to extreme physical torture and finally killed, hanged or burnt her; in many cases the victim herself succumbed to the grave injuries. The case of gang-rape of a physiotherapy student in a moving bus in 2012, in which the victim died due to the brutality inflicted upon by six men, is hard to forget. In other cases which have come to light, victims were found after months, sometimes years of confinement and had suffered far too much too long.
A dangerous trend observed in sex crimes is that they are spreading everywhere and sparing none. Its victims are not just young women, as most would think to be the case, but also elderly women, children including young boys, and even infants. According to official statistics, a rape takes place in India every 22 minutes and one in every three victims is a minor. In most cases, the culprits were people known to the victims, with whom they shared a relationship of trust.
These incidents become more shocking because they are repetitive, unstoppable and taking place in a country which is viewed across the globe as the birthplace of many religions. It is the same country which has produced many saints and thinkers and has shown the path of non-violence. The biggest irony is that it is probably the only culture where goddess worship is so dominant and widespread and there are so many places of pilgrimage and festivals devoted to them.
This great fall in morality has caught everyone’s attention. It has hit the country’s reputation and international tourists are knocking India off their list. Recently the United States of America and the United Nations Organisation condemned the Badaun incident. An appalled UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon clarified that gender violence is not a women’s issue but a human rights issue and that it degrades us all. •
In the Bhagavad Gita, lust is said to be the worst enemy of the human race and the mother of anger and all other sinful tendencies. In legal terminology, sex crimes are called criminal assault’ as their impact on the victim is devastating. In the face of this epidemic, development of any form cannot hold meaning as the social fabric and moral base of society are badly hit. It is therefore our common responsibility to fight this evil, which demands a concerted effort by law-makers, executive, judiciary, forces, media, educationists, NGOs and the public. There is an urgent need for interdisciplinary planning along with a zero-tolerance policy for violence against women and children.
Our efforts will fail to bear fruit unless all segments of society work in tandem with each other. This of course means that we may have to alter our course, give up certain cultural practices or ways of life that are not in tune with our collective vision. But we must not shy away from making our contribution because the life and dignity of far too many people is at stake.Purity Features
(a)What, according to you, should be done to empower women to fight against social injustice or cruelties perpetrated on them ?
(b)Who is to blame for the sex crimes committed on society ? Is the degradation in moral values the only cause of humiliation of women ? Give your own views.
(Writing & Grammar)
3.Come exams and it is stress time for students. It need not be, say educational counsellors, if students plan and stick to a study schedule and strategies their preparation for final examination.
Taking ideas from the following visual together with your own ideas, write an article in 100-120 words for your weekly school newsletter on the topic “Recipe for Success in Board Exams”.
4.Complete the following story in 150-200 words :
Rashmi was a very beautiful but stupid girl. She was so arrogent that she had a few friends at school. A time came when she was totally isolated, yet she failed to……….
5.Choose the most appropriate options from the ones given below to complete the following passage :
Amit was (a) __________ intelligent and hardworking boy, but he was not friendly. He (b)__________ went out for socialising. All (c)____________ Rakesh avoided him.
(a) (i) a (ii) an (iii) the (iv) any
(b) (i) nevea (ii) always (iii) hardly ever (iv) barely
(c) (i) and (ii) but (iii) so (iv) for
6.The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line which has been underlined. Replace the underlined word with the correct word.
All life on earth can ultimately is be
traced back on the sea. Creatures (a) ……………….
with limbs or fingers rather than (b) ………………
fins has evolved from fishes (c) ……………
about 335 million years before. (d) ……………..
7.Read the following conversation and complete the paragraph that
Captain:Do you know how to play cricket ?
Nitesh:Never had a chance to learn it.
Captain:In this school every student has to learn it.
Nitesh:Give me a chance and I shall learn it.
The captain asked Nitesh (a) ……………………………………………………. Nitesh replied (b)……………………………………………………. The captain then told Nitesh(c)…………………………………………………….
(Literature Textbook & Long Reading Text) (25 Marks)
8.Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow :
Then the whining schoolboy, with his satchel And shining morning face, creeping like snail Unwilling to school.
(a)How does the schoolboy look ?
(b)How does he go to school ?
(c)Give the meaning of the word ‘whining’.
T was a man once. Ym a beast now, and they made me what I am’.
(a)What does the convict mean to say when he says that he is a ‘beast’ now ?
(b)Who made him what he is ?
(c)What does the word ‘beast’ mean ?
9.Answer these questions in 30-40 words each :
(a)In this universe, rain performs many functions. What are, those ?
(b)Why did John get off at Coketown ?
(c)The convict says, “I am too old a bird to be caught with chaff’. What does he mean by this statement ?
(d)How did Private Quelch take his punishment towards the end of the story ?
10.“But perhaps it is a sin to set such store by them”.
In what context does the speaker utter these words ? Do you think a man should completely detach himself from worldly possessions? Write a paragraph focusing on the value of detachment.
Value Points :
- things are for use, not possession
- greediness need to be distinguished
- difficult but not impossible to remain detached
- grief comes with too much attachment
Show of knowledge is bad. Discuss it in the context of Private Quelch’s conduct in ‘The Man Who Knew Too Much’.
Value Points :
- Show of knowledge, bad
- creates jealousy, ill-will among others
- Private Quelch’s conduct makes him a butt of ridicule and animosity.
11.What did Gulliver experience in the land of Houyhnhnms ?
What impression do you form of Gulliver ?
How did George’s shirt become an occasion for amusement and embarrassment ?
In what sense Montmorency is the fourth member of the travelling party ?
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