CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 SA2 English Communicative Solved 2016 Set 14
1.(a) Read the passage carefully and complete the statements that follow :
Patients suffering from brain tumour need not worry as Gamma knife surgery offers new hope. Neurosurgeons guarantee cent per cent success of the technique introduced in a few cities of the country recently. “Under Gamma Knife surgery, the patient does not have to be operated upon. The head does not have to be cut open. The entire exercise is carried out through computers and the tumour removed,” says Dr B.K. Misra, consultant neurosurgeon with the Hinduja Hospital in Mumbai, while talking to Hindustan Times on Sunday. Dr Misra was here to attend the 13th Conference of the Neurosciences Society of Uttar Pradesh (Neurocon). The revolutionary Gamma Knife surgery uses highly targeted radiation to treat brain tumours. Radiation coming from separate sources is directed to a specific target. Highly sophisticated computer software is used to determine the size, location and shape of the area to be treated. Only at the point where all 201 beams cross enough radiation is delivered to affect the diseased tissue, while sparing surrounding tissue. Thus, the Gamma Knife “cuts” deep into the brain without using a scalpel.
The “blades” of the Gamma Knife are the beams of gamma radiation programmed to target the lesion at the point where they intersect.
- Brain tumour can now be successfully treated___________________ .
- It is now possible to do the entire operation___________________ .
- The new technique uses______________ .
- The disease tissue is attacked by________________ .
- The beams of gamma radiation act as________________ .
(b) Read the following passage carefully :
- The snowstorm was getting worse. White flakes whirled around us as we fought our way against the wind. I had almost given up hope of sheltering, when an abandoned log cabin appeared in front of us, the door swinging backwards and forwards rhythmically on one hinge. Painted in bold, uneven letters – white against dark wood – was a written warning. “Enter at your own risk!” We hesitated at the sign until a flurry of snow finally made up my mind. “Come on, Jane. Let’s get out of this blizzard.”
- “No way, Jess. I’m not going in there. It looks really creepy,” protested my sister.
- “Suit yourself,” I replied. “Would j^ou prefer to stay out here and freeze ?” I warned her. “You acted pretty daring when you decided to defy Mum and Dad. I wish you hadn’t talked to me into going skiing with you. Mum said that there had been a blizzard warning.Anyway, we’re here now in this old miner’s shack. At least we’ll be out of the wind and the snow.”
- 4.1 squeezed through the door and stepped cautiously inside with Jane close behind me. It was dark and musty-smelling, but at least it was sheltered and dry. I pulled the door and barred it while Jane rubbed grime off the windows to let in some light. We peered around in the gloom. Everything was dusty, making it hard not to sneeze. Animal heads decorated the walls – gruesome trophies belonging to some long-ago hunter.
1.On the basis of your reading of the passage complete the following statements :
(a)The snowstorm forced the narrator Jane to__________________ .
(b)The narrator decided to go in despite_________________ .
2.Answer these questions briefly,
(a)Whose decision was it to go on skiing ?
(b)What did the narrator and Jane see in the room ?
3.Give a word from the passage which means the same as ‘thick layer of dirt”, (para 4)
2.Read the passage carefully and on the basis of your study of the passage answer the questions given below ; (OTBA)
- Therefore, be unattached , yet the brain-centres work; work incessantly, but let not the mind be affected. Work as if you were a stranger in this land, a sojourner; work incessantly, but do not bind yourselves; bondage is terrible. This world is not our habitation, it is only one of the many stages through which we are passing.
- The gist of this teaching is that you should work like a master and not like a slave; work incessantly, but do not do slave’s work. Do you not see how everybody works ? Nobody can be altogether at rest; ninety-nine per cent of men work like slaves, and the result is misery; it is all selfish work. But work with freedom, inspired by love ! There is no true love possible in the slave. If you buy a slave and tie him down in chains and make him work for you, he will work like a drudge, but there will be no love in him. So when we ourselves work for the things of the world as slaves, there can be no love in us, and work is not true work. This is true of work done for relatives and friends, and is true of work done for ourselves. Selfish work is slave’s work; and here is a test. Every act of love brings happiness; there is no act of love which does not bring peace and blessedness in its train. Real existence, real knowledge, and real love are eternally connected with one another, the three in one; where one of them is, the others also must be; they are the three aspects of the one without a second-‘the Existence-Knowledge- Bliss’.
- Krishna says : ‘Look at me, Arjuna ! If I stop from work for one moment, the whole universe will decay. I have nothing to gain from work : I am the one Lord, but why do I work ? Because I love the world.’ God is unattached because He loves; real love makes us unattached.
- To attain this attachment is almost a life’s work, but as soon as we have reached this point, we have attained the goal of love and become free; the bondage of nature falls from us, and we see nature as she is.
- Do you ask anything of your children in return for what you have given them ? It is your duty to work for them, and there the matter ends. In whatever you do for a particular person, a city, or a state, assume the same attitude towards it as you have towards your children-expect nothing in return. If you can invariably take the position of a giver, in which everything given by you is a free offering to the world, without any thought of return, your work will bring you no attachment. Attachment comes only where we expect a return.
If working like slaves results in selfish attachment, working as masters of our own mind gives rise to the bliss of non-attachment. We often talk of right and justice, but we find that in this world right and justice are mere baby’s talk. There are two things which guide the conduct of men : might and mercy, The exercise of might is invariably an act of selfishness. All men and women try to make the most of whatever power of advantage they have. Mercy is heavenly; to be good, we have to be merciful. Even justice and right should stand on mercy. All thought of obtaining return for the work we do, hinders our spiritual progress; nay, in the end it brings misery. There is another way in which this idea of mercy and selfless charity can be put into practice; that is, by looking upon work as ’worship’. Here we give up all the fruits of our work unto the Lord, and, worshipping Him thus, we have no right to expect anything from mankind for what we do.
(a)’You should work like a master and not like a slave’. What happens if we do not work like a master ?
(b)If non-attachment is a bliss, is attachment not a big bondage and a cause of much sufferings ? Give your views.
(Writing & Grammar)
3.In spite of your best efforts, you failed to get A grade in the examination. Describe your feelings in a diary entry in 100-120 words.
- feels sad on missing A grade again
- but will not give in
- will continue to make efforts
- will try to mend the ways of studying, etc.
4.Write a short story in 150-200 words with the help of the given hints.
Two brothers_______________ Rakesh and Sudesh ___________________ Rakesh full of
confidence, Sudesh timid and lacking confidence___________________ Two going together
on a bicycle_____________ Rakesh’s foot trapped in chain____________________ bandaged
Rakesh _____________ reached home ________________ parents happy with Sudesh
getting self-confidence.
5.Choose the most appropriate options from the ones given below to complete the following paragraph : After I (a)___________ for office my uncle came to see us. When I (6)_____________________
informed I came back at once. He was at first annoyed (c)_______________________ me for not coming to receive him at the station.
(a)(i)left (ii)had left (iii)had come (iv)leave
(b)(i)am (ii)had been (iii)was (iv)were
6.In the passage given below, one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word along with the word that comes before and the word that comes after it in your answer sheet against the correct blank number.
He leaned eagerly, trying to get nearer to her. But she was just opposite him, she halted a piece of flesh in her beak. He wondered she did not come nearer.
7.Look at the words and phrases below. Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences :
(a) the whites / visited / A / in / home / their / sergeant
(b ) he / monkey’s paw / about / strange experience / with / the / talked / his
(c) carrying / dead monkey / the paw / a / he / was / of
(Literature Textbook & Long Reading Text)
8.Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow :
Last scene of all,
That ends this strange eventful history.
Is second childishness and mere oblivion,
Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.
(а)What does ‘eventful history’ mean ?
(b) What is it that ends ‘the strange eventful history’ ?
(c)Why is old age ‘second childishness’ ?
“For about nine seconds he had me rattled, and I came mighty near getting cold feet and trying to sell him some plate-glass. But I got my nerve back pretty quick. He asked me to sit down, and I told him everything”.
(a) Who was the person who confused John ?
(b) Why did John get rattled ?
(c)What was the purpose of John’s meeting the man ?
9.Answer these questions in 30-40 words each :
“… All can hear, but only The sensitive can understand.”
(a) What does the poet want to convey ?
(b) What role, according to Shakespeare, the soldier plays ?
(c)What proved to be the turning point in Private Quelch’s life ?
(d) The Bishop was a generous person. How ?
10.’’You do study so hard, dearie, you’ll give yourself a headache. Why don’t you take a nice walk by the river for half an hour, and come back nice and fresh ?”
Who is asked to go for a walk, and why ? Is it essential to study all the time ? What activities should a student follow to refresh himself ?
The act of rain is selfless. Selflessness is a difficult quality to be practised. How can you be selfless in a selfish world ?
11.How did Gulliver reach the land of the Yahoos and Houyhnhmms ?
Give a character sketch of the King of Luggnagg.
Bring out the elements of humour in the novel ’Three Men in a Boat’.
What impression do you form of the narrator in ‘Three Men in a Boat’ ?
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