CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 SA2 English Communicative Solved 2016 Set 15
SECTION-A (20 Marks)
1.(a) Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow : (5)
A computer is an electronic device for analysing or storing data and making calculations. It works like an intelligent human brain in getting answers to the data fed to it. Whatever input is given to it, is stored by it on its hard disk. Later on we get answers to it as per our input. It can do calculation on a large scale in no time. All the big industrialists and government departments make use of the computers in order to make their pay rolls and other work. The Indian Railways have computerised the whole system of reserving berths and seats in railways trains. The Air Traffic is managed, controlled and supervised with the help of computers. Again, it is the computer that shows the industrial, financial and commerical problems of various organisations and the government computer has helped the scientists of the world to send a man in space and to bring him back to earth. Numerous technical and mathematical problems are solved by the computers. Computers are helping in data processing of land records of villages and towns all over the country. They are used by the police force to detect crime and to arrest criminals. Computerised portraits of the criminals are shown on the television and this results in their arrests. The record of the criminals, thieves, terrorists and outlaws are maintained in the computers for reference. The various planning commissions in the country use computers for resource planning and for exchanging information of the data with each other. Computers have revolutionised the whole printing industry, photography, cinematography, music industry and medical surgery.
1.In what way is a computer like a human brain ?
2. What is its utility ?
3 .In what ways is it used by the government agencies ?
4 .How is it useful to the police ?
5. Name two fields in which it has brought about drastic changes.
(b) Read the following passage carefully : (5)
1.In a small cottage at the edge of the beach, 16-year-old Ben Smith heard someone yelling. Stepping outside he saw a man lying on the sand. “Help!” came a shout, “I’ve been attacked by a shark. Call the emergency.”
2.Ben saw the man’s upraised arms were covered in blood. Turning on his heels, he sprinted for the house.
3.Inside, Ben’s mother, Michelle, heard her son at the phone… “on the beach… bitten by a shark… looks pretty bad…”
4.She ran to the beach. The figure sprawled there was still crying out. She gasped at the blood of his legs and arms. Kneeling at his side, she saw his lips were grey. “I’m losing it,” he said, “You have to stop the bleeding. My left arm. There’s a pressure point underneath, up near the armpit. Hold on tight.” Michelle sank her fingers into the main bronchial artery of the arm. Seconds later, Ben was on the scene with towels. Following Eric’s instruction, he used them to elevate the wounded man’s feet. Then he raced off to flag down the rescue units. Michelle avoided looking at Eric’s wounds and kept asking him questions to keep him awake.
5. Surprisingly lucid. In ten minutes or so, they were joined by a registered nurse who was also captain of a local rescue squad. Nick Larsen had been leaning against the truck just a few hundred metres away, suspecting nothing.
6.“It’s good to have you here,” said Eric as Nick gripped his hand.
7. The rescuers soon reinforced by an ambulance crew laboured over Eric for nearly an hour. They gave him pure oxygen and began running fluid into his veins. Cutting away his wet suit, they bandaged his wounds and pulled rubberized, inflatable trousers on his legs to force blood to his upper body.
1.On the basis of your reading of the passage complete the following statements :
- (a) The man yelled for help after_________ .
- (b) Ben called on her mother to__________ .
2. Answer these questions briefly :
(а) Why did Michelle avoid looking at Eric’s wounds ?
(b) What was done to save Eric ?
3. Give a word from the passage that means the same as ‘raise’ (para 4).
2.Read the passage carefully and on the basis of your study of the passage answer the questions given below : (OTBA) (10)
The secular trends can be conveniently classified as the four horsemen of the environmental apocalypse : global warming by the greenhouse effect, undeniably coming but at a rate still disputed among atmospheric scientists; ozone depletion, severe and not in dispute, toxic waste accumulation, severe and not in dispute; and mass extinction by habitat destruction, also severe and not in dispute.
Why should these man-induced changes be thought apocalyptic ? After all, environmental change is perpetual, and organisms have always adjusted to it in past geological times. Over millions of years species adapted to alternating climatic warming and cooling, the expansion or shrinkage of continental shelves, the invasion of new competitors and parasites. Those that could not change became extinct, but at such a relatively slow rate that other, better adapted species evolved to replace them.
In the midst of endless turnover, the balance of life was sustained. But now the velocity of change is too great for life to handle, and the equilibrium is shattered. The change is the greatest experienced since the end of the Age of Dinosaurs 65 million years ago. It has reached precipitous levels within a single human life span, a mere tick in geological time. Humanity is creating a radical new environment too quickly to allow the adjustment of species, which need thousands to millions of years to accomplish complex genetic adaptations. Most of life is consequently at risk. Our life is at risk.
Like many other environmental scientists today, I think the tragedy can be averted and in a manner that moves us towards a safer and more pleasant existence. It is the essence of the new environmentalism that further economic development need not harm the environment, at least not to anywhere near the degree now prevailing. The exact opposite is the case : intelligent economic development can save the natural environment, and the natural environment can be used to accelerate economic development. The key lies in the preservation and use of wild species and genetic strains, in other words biological diversity. Before exploring how this step can be accomplished, let me explain why biological diversity is the most fragile and in one sense the most valuable part of the environment. The extinction of species is the index of all the other secular changes. And where these processes – global warming, ozone depletion and toxic pollution – can be reversed, extinction can not.
No species can be called back by a summit conference or Montreal Protocol. Each one is unique, precious, and irreplaceable. It is the terminus of an immense number of mutations, gene recombinations, and episodes of natural selection by which certain sets of genes increased as others declined. Each is prescribed by a genetic code that adapts it exquisitely to a particular part of the environment. Many of the genes vary within the species, so that every individual created by sexual reproduction has its own unique DNA code. A typical eukaryotic organism, such as a flowering plant or a bird (or human being), is prescribed according to species by one billion to 10 billion nucleotide pairs.
If we could take the DNA double helices from a single cell of house mouse, stretch them to full length and enlarge them until they were as wide as a piece of wrapping string, they would stretch about nine hundred kilometres, with each inch containing twenty-odd nucleotide pairs or genetic “letters”. The amount of information in the genes of a mouse is about equivalent to that in all 16 editions of the Encyclopaedia Britannica published since 1768. Without interference from man, species live an average of one to 10 million years. How many of these ancient entities are being driven to extinction by human action ? We don’t know the absolute number, because the total size of the fauna and flora is not known.
(a) How can we check further environmental degradation ? What steps can be taken at the individual level to do so ?
(b) How has global warming affected human, plant and animal life in general ?
(Writing & Grammar) (25 Marks)
3.Life’s harsh lesson: Sixty-four years after independence, basic education remains a dream for millions of children like the ones in the picture seen below : (5)
Using ideas from the input, and ideas from the Unit on ‘Children’ from your Main Course Book and your own ideas, write an article for your school magazine on how the underprivileged children are denied the right to education. Analyze the reasons and give valuable suggestions for improvement. Give a suitable title to your article.
4.Write a short story in about 150-200 words with the help of the given hints : (HOTS) (10)
A saint known for relieving the sufferings of the people_______________ people
blocked to him__________ the saint came out after three days ________________
asked them to write their suffering on a piece of paper________________ shuffled
them all___________ asked them to take out any paper_______________ no one
ready to exchange____________ now realized their suffering was tolerable.
5.Choose the most appropriate options from the ones given below to complete the paragraph : (3)
We (a)__________ appreciate if you all came here early in the morning. We would climb (b)__________ the rock you are seeing just (c)____________ of you.
(а) (i) will (ii) shall (iii) would (iv) could
(b) (i) of (ii) on (iii) up (iv) in
(c) (i) after (ii) before (iii) on front (iv) in front
6.The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction against the correct blank number in your answer sheet.
You would woke up from your sleep e.g woke…………wake
because you feel that an elephant (a)………………………….
is sitting on your chest. You would feel (b)………………………….
that a world had come to an end because (c)………………………….
you heard faint cries come from under (d)………………………….
your bed.
7. Read the conversation given below and complete the report that follows. Write your answers in the answer sheet against the correct blank number. (3)
Gurpreet : I’m sorry for coming late.
Rishi : Where have you been all the time ?
Gurpreet : I was in the hospital looking after my Grandpa.
Gurpreet said (a) ____________ . Rishi asked him (6) _____________ . Gurpreet
replied that c)___________
(Literature Textbook & Long Reading Text) (25 Marks)
8. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow : (3)
How I laughed at my mother’s false teeth,
As they foamed in the waters beneath.
But now comes the reckonin’
It’s me they are beckonin
Oh, I wish I’d looked after me teeth.
(а) When did the poet use to laugh at her mother’s false teeth ?
(b) What do her mother’s false teeth remind the poet ?
(c) Give the meaning of ‘reckonin’.
“He’s seen the error of his ways,” cried Percy, the resilient. That’s What he’s gone and done. At the eleventh hour.
(а) What error is Percy speaking about ? Whose error is it ?
(b) What has he done and where has he gone at last ?
(c) Give the meaning of the word ‘resilient’.
9. Answer these questions in 30-40 words each : (2×4=8)
(a) Why did Mr. Bramble change his mind at the last moment ?
(b) Do all salesmen practise what they profess ?
(c) How is the last stage of senility a second childhood ?
(d) Before leaving, the convict asks the Bishop to bless him. What brought about this change in him ?
10. Answer the following question in about 80-100 words. (4)
‘My dear, there is so much suffering in the world, and I can do so little…”. A few people are dedicated to the alleviation of suffering in this world.
What do you think of those people ? What can you do to help the sorrowful and the suffering people ?
“Oh, I’m on the line of general prosperity”. In which context was this statement made by Pescud ? What do you mean by general prosperity ? How can you achieve it ?
Value Points :
- Pescud while referring to the rise in his salary, commission, shares, etc.
- general prosperity means all-round prosperity : physical and mental
- can be achieved by working hard for material prosperity
- by acquiring contentment, developing positive attitude, etc.
11. How did Gulliver conduct himself when he was sailing in the ‘Ambonia’ ?
Give a brief character sketch of Munodi.
In what condition did George and the narrator find Harris ? How did they take his story of swans ?
All the three friends__________ George, Harris and the narrator ______________ are moody and whimsical. Discuss.
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