Marketing Important Questions for CBSE Class 12 Business Studies Marketing and Marketing Management
1.Concept of Marketing
The activities performed by the marketers to facilitate exchange of goods and services between producers and users of such products are referred to as marketing activities. It refers to a social process, whereby people exchange goods and services for money or something of value to them.
2.Features of Marketing
(i)Needs and wants
(ii)Creating a market offering
(iii) Customer value
(iv)Exchange mechanism *
3.Concept of Market
Traditionally, market refers to the place where buyers and sellers gather to enter into a transaction involving exchange of goods and services. In modern sense, it refers to the set of actual and potential buyers of a product or service.
4.Concept of Marketer
It refers to a person who takes more active part in the process of exchange.
5.Definition of Marketing Management
According to Philip Kotler, ‘Marketing management is an art and science of choosing target market and getting, keeping and growing customers through creating, delivering and communicating superior customer values of management’.
6.Objectives of Marketing Management
(i)Creation of demand.
(ii)Managing the demand effectively.
(iii)Growing customers/market share.
(iv)Creating superior values/goodwill.
(v)Customers’ satisfication.
7.Philosophies/Concepts of Marketing Management
(i)Production concept Consumers prefer products which are widely available at an affordable price.
(ii)Product concept Consumers prefer products with superior quality, performance and features.
(iii)Selling concept Firms believe that aggressive selling and promotional efforts will convince a customer to buy a product.
(iv)Marketing concept Customers’ needs and customers’ satisfaction is the key to success in the market.
(v)Societal marketing concept This concept emphasises that other than satisfaction of customers, due importance should be given to the welfare of the customer and society.
8.Functions of Marketing
(i) Gathering and analysing market information
(ii)Market planning
(iii)Product designing and development
(iv) Standardisation and grading
(v)Packaging and labelling Branding
(vii) Customer support services
(viii) Pricing of product
(ix) Promotion
(x) Physical distribution .
(xii)Storage and warehousing
9.Role of Marketing
(i)Role in a firm By market orientation, the firm tries to focus on satisfying the needs and wants of the customers.
(ii)Role in the economy Marketing helps in the development of the economy by inspiring people to undertake new activities and set up enterprises.
Previous Year Examination Questions
1. Mark Questions
1.Why is marketing called a social process? (Delhi 2013)
Ans. Marketing is regarded as a social process, whereby people exchange goods and services for money or something of value to them.
2.Distinguish between selling concept and marketing concept of marketing
management philosophies on the basis of main focus. (Delhi 2013)
Ans. (i) Selling concept Firms believe that aggressive selling and promotional efforts will convince a customer to buy a product.
(ii) Marketing concept Customers’ needs and customers’ satisfaction is the key to success of an enterprises.
3.What is meant by selling concept of marketing? (All India 2010; Delhi 2010)
Ans. Firms believe that aggressive selling and promotional efforts will convince a customer to buy a product.
3 Marks Questions
4.Identify and explain the marketing management philosophy which implies that products and services are bought not merely because of their quality or brand name, but because they satisfy a specific need of a customer. (Compartment 2014)
Ans. The marketing management philosophy referred here is ‘Marketing concept’. This concept emphasis that in the long-run, profits can be maximised by identifying and satisfying the needs of present and potential customers. Therefore, customer satisfaction becomes the focal point of all business decisions.
5.Nisha, a school bag manufacturer, decided to improve the product for profit maximisation and thus, added a water bottle holder to the existing design.
(i)Identify the marketing management philosophy adopted by Nisha.
(ii)Explain this philosophy on the basis of (a) Main focus and (b) Means and ends (HOTS; Delhi 2012)
Ans. (i) Product concept or philosophy Firms which follow the product concept, propose that the way to realise business goals is by making high quality products. These firms manufacture the products of superior quality. Nisha is trying to bring improvement in quality, by corporating a new feature, i.e. adding a water bottle holder in the bag.
(ii) (a) Main focus The main focus of this concept is to improve the quality of products. The marketers now believed that potential exchange would be realised when the products are of high quality. Thus, the firm now focused on making superior products and improving them overtime.
(b) Means Product improvement.
Ends Profit through improvement in product quality.
6.Mansi, a shoe manufacturer for school students, decided to maximise her profit by producing and distributing at large scale and thereby reducing the Average Cost of production.
(i)Identify the marketing management philosophy adopted by Mansi.
(ii) Explain this philosophy or concept on the basis of
(a) Main focus (b) Means and ends (All India 2012)
Ans. (i) Production concept or philosophy.
(ii) (a) Main focus Main focus of this concept is to maximise the quantity of product.
(b) Means Availability and affordability of product.
Ends Earning profits through large scale production and distribution.
7.Explain market planning, product designing and development as functions of marketing. . (Delhi 2012)
Explain any three functions of marketing.(Delhi 2012)
Explain any two functions of marketing. (All India 2011)
Explain the following functions of marketing.
(i)Marketing planning (ii)Product designing and development (All India 2011)
Explain the following functions of marketing
(i)Gathering and analysing market information
(ii) Customer support services. (Delhi 2011 C)
Ans. The main functions of marketing are as follows:
(i) Gathering and analysing market information A marketer has to gather information about the market. Gathering and analysing market information helps in identifying the needs of the customers. It forms the basis for product development. It also helps in identifying the opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses of the organisation.
(ii) Market planning The marketer develops appropriate marketing plans to capture or enhance the existing market share. It provides the guidelines to achieve the marketing objectives, e.g. a marketer of colour TVs, having 2% of current market share in the country, aims at enhancing his market share *0 20% in the next three years.
(iii) Product designing and development Product designing and development is concerned with anticipating customers’ needs, developing new products and improving the existing products so as to meet the expectations of customers, e.g. when we plan to buy any product say a motorbike, we not only see its features like cost, mileage, etc but also the design, shape, style, etc.
(iv) Customer support services Customer is the king of modern market. So customer satisfaction is the main motto of every business firm. Hence, a very important function of marketing management relates to developing customer support services such as after sale services, handling customer complaints, procuring credit services, maintenance services, technical services, and consumer information, etc. All these services aim at providing maximum satisfaction to the customers which is the key to success in modern days.
8.Explain the role of marketing in a firm. (All India 2011)
Ans. By marketing orientation, the firm tries to focus on needs and wants of the customers. Every firm wants to live longer and develop. If this happens, the purpose of establishing the firm is fulfilled. Marketing helps in survival and growth of the firm.
9.What is meant by production concept of marketing? (Delhi 2011; All India 2010)
Ans. Production concept is based on the belief that profits could be maximised by producing at large scale, thereby reducing the Average Cost of production. A large number of firms believe that it is easy to exchange the products if they were widely available at an affordable price. Thus, availability and affordability were considered the key to success.
10.What is meant by selling concept of marketing? (Delhi 2010)
Ans. Firms believe that aggressive selling and promotional efforts will convince a customer to buy a product. It was assumed that the customers will not buy enough, unless they are adequately convinced and motivated to do so.
Therefore, aggressive selling and promotional efforts are made to persuade the customers. The use of promotional techniques such as advertising, personal selling and sales promotion were considered essential for selling of products.
11.What is meant by product concept of marketing? (All India 2010; Delhi 2010)
Ans. Consumers prefer products with superior quality, performance and features. The companies who believe in the philosophy of product concept are of the opinion that if the quality of goods or services is of good standard, the customers can easily be attracted towards it. The basis of this thinking is that the customers get attracted towards the products of good quality. On the basis of this philosophy, companies direct their marketing efforts to increase the quality and features of their product.
4/5 Marks Questions
12.Define marketing and state any three functions of marketing. (Delhi 2010c)
What is meant by marketing? State any three functions of marketing. (All India 2010)
Ans. Marketing is the sum total of all those activities which move goods and services from the producers to the consumers.
According to Philip Kotler, ‘Marketing is that social process by which individual and groups obtain what they need and want through creating offerings and freely exchanging products and services of value with others’.
The three main functions of marketing are :
(i) Marketing planning The marketer develops appropriate marketing plans to capture or enhance the existing market share. It provides the guidelines to achieve the marketing objectives, e.g. a marketer of colour TVs, having 2% of current market share in the country, aims at enhancing his market share *0 20% in the next three years.
(ii) Production designing and development Product designing and development is concerned with anticipating customers’ needs, developing new products and improving the existing products so as to meet the expectations of customers, e.g. when we plan to buy any product say a motorbike, we not only see its features like cost, mileage, etc but also the design, shape, style, etc.
(iii) Pricing of products It refers to the amount of money which the customers have to pay to obtain a product. Price is an important factor affecting the success or failure of a product in the market. The demand for a product or service is related to its price. Generally, lower the price, higher would be the demand for the product and vice-versa.
13.Define marketing management. State any three objectives of marketing
management. (All India 2010)
Ans. According to Philip Kotler, ‘Marketing management is an art and science of choosing target markets and getting, keeping and growing customers through creating, delivering and communicating superior customer values of management’. It refers to planning, organising, directing and control of the activities which facilitate exchange of goods and services between producers and consumers of products and services.
The three main objectives of marketing management are as follows:
(i) Creation of demand The marketing manager always tries to create the demand not by unfair means but by analysing the needs and wants of the customers and then producing the products, which satisfies the customer’s need.
(ii) Market share Every business firm wants to capture a larger share of the market. Therefore, marketing techniques adopted by marketing manager help to get a big share in the market.
(iii) Goodwill and reputation Marketing management helps a firm in building the image for its products through advertising high quality, caring for customer satisfaction, after sale service, smooth supply, etc.
14.’Bending the customer according to the product’ and ‘development of the product according to customer needs’ are two important concepts of marketing management’. Identify the concepts and differentiate between the two. (Delhi 2009; All India 2009)
‘Find wants and fill them ‘and’ create products and sell them’ are the two important concepts of marketing. Identify and differentiate between these two concepts.(HOTS; Delhi 2009 C)
Ans. ‘Bending the customer according to the product’ refers to ‘selling concept’ and ‘developing the product according to the customer needs’ refers to ‘marketing concept’ of marketing management.
6 Marks Question
15.Explain the following functions of marketing
(i)Gathering and analysing market information
(ii)Product designing and development
(iii)Market planning
(iv) Customer support services.(Delhi 2008)
Ans. The main functions of marketing are as follows:
(i) Gathering and analysing market information A marketer has to gather information about the market. Gathering and analysing market information helps in identifying the needs of the customers. It forms the basis for product development. It also helps in identifying the opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses of the organisation.
(ii) Market planning The marketer develops appropriate marketing plans to capture or enhance the existing market share. It provides the guidelines to achieve the marketing objectives, e.g. a marketer of colour TVs, having 2% of current market share in the country, aims at enhancing his market share *0 20% in the next three years.
(iii) Product designing and development Product designing and development is concerned with anticipating customers’ needs, developing new products and improving the existing products so as to meet the expectations of customers, e.g. when we plan to buy any product say a motorbike, we not only see its features like cost, mileage, etc but also the design, shape, style, etc.
(iv) Customer support services Customer is the king of modern market. So customer satisfaction is the main motto of every business firm. Hence, a very important function of marketing management relates to developing customer support services such as after sale services, handling customer complaints, procuring credit services, maintenance services, technical services, and consumer information, etc. All these services aim at providing maximum satisfaction to the customers which is the key to success in modern days.
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