Staffing Important Questions for CBSE Class 12 Business Studies Staffing as a Part of Human Resource Management
1. Human Resource Management
It involves procuring, developing, maintaining and appraising a competent work force to achieve the goals efficiently and effectively. Staffing is an integral part of Human Resource Management.
2. Objectives of Human Resource Management
- Putting right person at right job.
- Establish relationship between employer and employees.
- Mould human resources into an organisation structure.
3. Duties or Specialised Activities of Human Resource Management
- Searching for qualified personnel.
- Analysing jobs, prepare job descriptions.
- Developing compensation and incentive plans.
- Training and development of employees.
- Maintaining labour relations and union management relations.
- Handling grievances.
- Providing for social security.
- Defending the company in law suits and avoiding legal complications.
Previous Years Examination Questions
1 Mark Question
1.’Providing for social security welfare of employees’ is one of the specialised
activities performed by Human Resource Management. Mention any two other specialised activities of Human Resource Management. (All India 2014)
‘Recruitment’ is one of the specialised activity performed by human resource management. Mention any two other specialised activities of Human Resource Management. (Delhi 2014)
‘Maintaining labour relations and union management relations’ is one of the specialised activities performed by Human Resource Management. Mention any two other specialised activities of Human Resource Management. (Foreign 2014)
Ans. Two other specialised acitivities of Human Resource Management are:
(i) Handling grievances (ii) Training and development of employees
3 Marks Question
2. Staffing as a part of Human Resource Management includes many specialised
activities. Explain any three such activities. (All India 2011)
Ans. Three such activities are as follows:
(i) Recruitment, i.e. search for qualified people.
(ii) Analysing jobs, collecting information about jobs to prepare job descriptions.
(iii) Handling grievances and complaints.
4/5 Marks Questions
3.Human Resource Management includes many specialised activities and duties.
State any four such activities. (All India 2008)
Ans. The duties of Human Resource Managers are:
(i) Training and development of employees for efficient performance.
(ii) Maintaining labour relations and union management relations.
(iii) Handling grievances and complaints.
(iv) Providing for social security and welfare of employees.
4. Explain why staffing is considered as the most important part of Human Resource Management?
(All India 2008; Delhi 2008C)
Ans. Staffing is the most important part of Human Resource Management as it develops and manages the human elements of the enterprise considering their knowledge, skill, creativity, talents and potentials for contributing towards organisational objectives. It functions within the scope of human resource department.
Human Resource Management involves determining the organisation’s need of human resources, recruiting and selecting the best employees, developing, providing compensation and rewarding the employees. It also includes activities related to liaison with government, trade unions, etc. Staffing is the inherent part of Human Resource Management which can be made more clear by analysing this example, when the above stated functions are carried out at small scale in small organisations by every manager, we call it as staffing function and when these functions are performed at large scale in a big organisation, there is a need to create a separate department called human resource department.
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