NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Main Course Book Unit 4 Environment Chapter 1 Treading the Green Path: Towards Preservation are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Main Course Book. Here we have given CBSE Class 10 English Main Course Book Unit 4 Environment Chapter 1 Treading the Green Path: Towards Preservation.
CBSE Class 10 English Main Course Book Unit 4 Environment Chapter 1 Treading the Green Path: Towards Preservation
Textual Exercises
Question 1.
The author of the article had made the following sub headings, but they got mixed up. Re-order them in the correct sequence, and write the number(s) of the paragraphs that would come under each sub heading.
(а) The network of rainforest research stations
(b) Whitaker’s achievements
(c) People support
(d) Whitaker’s love for nature, his vision and ambition
(e) The Agumbe station
(f) Water shortage and the need to save rainforests
(g) Becoming a conservationist
Question 2.
On the basis of your reading of the above article choose the correct option to complete the following statements :
1. Romulus Whitaker was able to pursue his dream because
(a) he was determined
(b) of his fascination with nature
(c) he didn’t have a regular job
(d) he was sympathetic
2. Romulus’s ambition was to
(a) save reptiles and frogs
(b) establish rainforest research stations
(c) start a water conservation project
(d) create awareness about the king cobra
3. Whitaker was able to fulfill his ambition with the help of
(a) his friends and colleagues
(b) Whitley award money
(c) Rolex award money
(d) his personal savings
4. Whitaker evolved from a Naturalist to Conservationist because he realized that
(a) Naturalists get obsessed with animals
(b) It was the requirement of Rolex award
(c) Conservationist has more importance than naturalist
(d) Animals cannot be saved without saving their habitat
5. According to Whitaker the most serious threat facing the humanity is
(a) Forest clearance
(b) Drying of rivers
(c) Water shortage
(c) Climate change
6. The mission ofAgumbe research station is to
(a) Educate children
(b) Play host to Researchers, Journalists and Naturalists
(c) Sustainable development of forest products
(d) All the above
Question 3.
The dwindling forest cover not only threatens the habitat of millions of species but also endangers water reserves. On the basis of the above article and the visual input given, write a letter to the editor of a national daily expressing your concern about the threat to the bio reserves.
(a) No Questions asked
(b) Threat to animals
Not Endangered |
Endangered |
Endangered |
Critically Endangered |
Fish | 50% | 20% | 10% | 20% |
Amphibians | 70% | 10% | 12% | 8% |
Reptiles | 40% | 30% | 17% | 13% |
Birds | 90% | 5% | 3% | 2% |
Mammals | 75% | 10% | 8% | 7% |
Question 4.
Romulus Whitaker has been awarded the Whitley Award for his work towards conservation of nature. He is in town for a press conference. Choose a student for the Hot Seat-to role play Whitaker. Divide the class into three groups; one group of students will be responsible for interviewing Whitaker. The second group will note down the interaction and the third group will issue a report for the class newsletter.
Question 5.
Listen to the passage ‘Wetlands, an Important Ecosystem’ and complete the following flowchart :
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