Sample Papers for Class 10 CBSE SA1 Social Science 2016-17 Solved Set 4
1. What is referred to as ‘Brettonwoods Twins’ ? 1
Who worked for industrialists to get new recruits ?
Who wrote several volumes on the London labour in the mid 19th century ?
2. Name the first book printed by Gutenberg. 1
Who is the author of the ‘Jungle Book’ ?
3. Which language do the majority of people speak in Belgium ? 1
4. Much of the official work in Indian states is done in which language ? 1
5. Which association took back the medals of Carlos, Smith and Normans ? 1
6. Which countries are called rich countries ? 1
7. Which sector had the highest share in GDP in 2003 ? [HOTS] 1
8. Railway is an example of which sector ? [HOTS] 1
9. Describe three major consequences of Second World War. 1×3 = 3
Who was jobber ? Mention any two functions of a jobber.
How did the London Underground Railways eventually become a huge success ? Explain.
10. Why did the Roman Catholic Church begin to keep an index of prohibited books from mid 16th century ? 3
How does Daniel Defoe’s ‘Robinson Crusoe’ justify colonialism ? Explain.
11. Distinguish between stock and potential resource. Give one example of each. 3
12. What are the three stages of resource planning in India ? 3
13. Analyse the involvement of different traditional communities to conserve their own natural habitats in India. 3
14. How have intensive industrialisation and urbanisation posed a great pressure on existing fresh water resources in India ? Explain. |HOTS| 3
15. Explain any two geographical conditions required for the cultivation of pulses. Name any two important pulses producing states. 3
16. Mention any three demands of Srilankan Tamils. 3
17. Explain briefly the Civil Rights Movement which took place in USA between 1934 and 1968. 3
18. “Caste has not still disappeared from contemporary India.” Write any three examples to justify the statement. (Value-based question] 3
19. Explain the objectives of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) 2005. ‘ 3
20. Why do different individuals have different as well as conflicting notions of development goals ? IHOT513
21. Explain the meaning of Tertiary sector. Mention any four economic activities of this sector. 3
22. Explain the effects of the Great Depression of 1929 on the Indian economy. 5
What was ‘Proto-industrialisation’ ? Explain the importance of proto-industrialisation.
How did crime grow in London in 1870s ? How were the authorities able to control them ? Explain.
23. Describe any five uses of print culture in the 17th century China. 5
Summarise the main theme of the novel ‘Oliver Twist’ by Charles Dickens.
24. Explain the five effects of print revolution. 5
What were the reasons which led to the writing of ‘Indulekha’ by Chandu Menon ?
25. Why is roof top water harvesting important in Rajasthan ? Explain. |HOTS] 5
26. “Gender division is not based on Biology but on social expectations and stereo-types.” Support the statement. |Value-based question] 5
27. Assess the need for local government. 5
28. Besides income, what can be the other attributes to compare economic development ? 5
29. The agriculture had been the backbone of the Indian economy. But declining share of the agriculture in the GDP is now a matter of serious concern.” Explain the meaning of this statement. [HOTS] 5
Sample Papers for Class 10 CBSE SA1 Social Science Solved 2016-17 Set 4 (Download Question Paper PDF)
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- Sample Papers for Class 10 CBSE SA1 Social Science Solved 2016-17 Set 1
- Sample Papers for Class 10 CBSE SA1 Social Science Solved 2016-17 Set 2
- Sample Papers for Class 10 CBSE SA1 Social Science 2016-17 Solved Set 3
- Sample Papers for Class 10 CBSE SA1 Social Science 2016-17 Solved Set 5
- Sample Papers for Class 10 CBSE SA1 Social Science 2016-17 Solved Set 6
- Sample Papers for Class 10 CBSE SA1 Social Science 2016-17 Solved Set 7
- Sample Papers for Class 10 CBSE SA1 Social Science 2016-17 Solved Set 8
- Sample Papers for Class 10 CBSE SA1 Social Science 2016-17 Solved Set 9
- Sample Papers for Class 10 CBSE SA1 Social Science 2016-17 Solved Set 10