Sample Papers for Class 10 CBSE SA1 Social Science 2016-17 Solved Set 10
1. From Which regions did most Indian indentured workers come from ? 1
Who improved the stream engine produced by New Comen ?
Name any two Presidencies in British India.
2. By whom was the printing press first introduced in India ? 1
Which of the Hindi novels by Munshi Prem Chand does tell the story of Indian peasantry through the characters of Hori and his wife Dhania ?
3. Which system of power sharing is called, ‘Checks and Balances’ ? 1
4. Name the process where power is taken away from Central and State governments and
given to local government. 1
5. Name any one reason for the growth of Civil Rights Movement in America. 1
6. What are the other goals that included in the developmental goals with the view of having better income ? [HOTS] 1
7. Services such as transport, banking and insurance come under which sector ? [HOTS] 1
8. How many districts did the government of India has implemented the ‘Right to Work’. 1
9. Why did most of the developing countries organise themselves as a group of 77 (G-77) ? 3
Why did the East India Company appoint Gomasthas in India ?
State any three characteristics of the ancient cities.
10. Why did the Roman Catholic Church begin to keep an index of prohibited books from the mid 16th century ? 3
Differentiate between the novels written by Charlotte Bronte and the novels written by Jane Austen.
11. What is a mine ? Name the different types of mining prevalent in India. What is rat-hole mining and where in India is this type of mining done? 3
12. Differentiate between stock and reserve stating two points of difference. 3
13. Classify the Indian forests into three categories. Write the main features of each. 3
14. Why has Indian agriculture started a declining trend in food production? Explain any four reason. 3
15. Why did Jawaharlal Nehru proclaim the dams as the “Temples of Modem India” ? Explain any three reasons. 3
16. What do we learn from the story of Sri Lanka ? Should India follow the Belgiam model ?(HOTS) 3
17. Describe the significance of Decentralisation. 3
18. “Girls of rural sector in India are sometimes not able to get secondary level education.” Give three reasons for this statement. 3
19. “The future generation may not have sufficient resources as compared to the present generation.”
Explain the statement by giving suitable examples. [Value-based Question] 3
20. Why are public facilities needed for the development of the country ? Explain any four public facilities. 3
21. Classify the industries on the basis of employment. 3
22. Explain any three characteristics of the Silk Routes. 5
How did the handloom industry collapse in India under the British rule ? Explain.
What were ‘Chawls’ ? Describe the living conditions in Chawls in Bombay.
23. How did the scientists and philosphers in the 18*11 century Europe find it easier to reach out to people ? Explain. 5
Who is the author of novel ‘Titash Ekti Nadir Naarri ? Why is it considered a special novel ? Explain any four reasons.
24. How did the print introduce a new world of debate discussion ? What were its implications in the sphere of religion ? Explain. 5
How did the caste issue was include in novels in India ? Support your answer with suitable examples.
25. Describe four geographical conditions required for the growth of sugarcane. Name two major sugarcane producing states of North India. 5
26. Describe the three-fold distribution of legislative powers between the union government and state governments of India. 5
27. What does the term communalism mean ? Explain any four forms of communalism which take in politics. 5
28. Explain the importance of sustainable development by giving the examples of ground water. [HOTS] 5
1. From Which regions did most Indian indentured workers come from ? 1
Who improved the stream engine produced by New Comen ?
Name any two Presidencies in British India.
2. By whom was the printing press first introduced in India ? 1
Which of the Hindi novels by Munshi Prem Chand does tell the story of Indian peasantry through the characters of Hori and his wife Dhania ?
3. Which system of power sharing is called, ‘Checks and Balances’ ? 1
4. Name the process where power is taken away from Central and State governments and
given to local government. 1
5. Name any one reason for the growth of Civil Rights Movement in America. 1
6. What are the other goals that included in the developmental goals with the view of having better income ? [HOTS] 1
7. Services such as transport, banking and insurance come under which sector ? [HOTS] 1
8. How many districts did the government of India has implemented the ‘Right to Work’. 1
9. Why did most of the developing countries organise themselves as a group of 77 (G-77) ? 3
Why did the East India Company appoint Gomasthas in India ?
State any three characteristics of the ancient cities.
10. Why did the Roman Catholic Church begin to keep an index of prohibited books from the mid 16th century ? 3
Differentiate between the novels written by Charlotte Bronte and the novels written by Jane Austen.
11. What is a mine ? Name the different types of mining prevalent in India. What is rat-hole mining and where in India is this type of mining done? 3
12. Differentiate between stock and reserve stating two points of difference. 3
13. Classify the Indian forests into three categories. Write the main features of each. 3
14. Why has Indian agriculture started a declining trend in food production? Explain any four reason. 3
15. Why did Jawaharlal Nehru proclaim the dams as the “Temples of Modem India” ? Explain any three reasons. 3
16. What do we learn from the story of Sri Lanka ? Should India follow the Belgiam model ?(HOTS) 3
17. Describe the significance of Decentralisation. 3
18. “Girls of rural sector in India are sometimes not able to get secondary level education.” Give three reasons for this statement. 3
19. “The future generation may not have sufficient resources as compared to the present generation.”
Explain the statement by giving suitable examples. [Value-based Question] 3
20. Why are public facilities needed for the development of the country ? Explain any four public facilities. 3
21. Classify the industries on the basis of employment. 3
22. Explain any three characteristics of the Silk Routes. 5
How did the handloom industry collapse in India under the British rule ? Explain.
What were ‘Chawls’ ? Describe the living conditions in Chawls in Bombay.
23. How did the scientists and philosphers in the 18*11 century Europe find it easier to reach out to people ? Explain. 5
Who is the author of novel ‘Titash Ekti Nadir Naarri ? Why is it considered a special novel ? Explain any four reasons.
24. How did the print introduce a new world of debate discussion ? What were its implications in the sphere of religion ? Explain. 5
How did the caste issue was include in novels in India ? Support your answer with suitable examples.
25. Describe four geographical conditions required for the growth of sugarcane. Name two major sugarcane producing states of North India. 5
26. Describe the three-fold distribution of legislative powers between the union government and state governments of India. 5
27. What does the term communalism mean ? Explain any four forms of communalism which take in politics. 5
28. Explain the importance of sustainable development by giving the examples of ground water. [HOTS] 5
Sample Papers for Class 10 CBSE SA1 Social Science Solved 2016-17 Set 10 (Download Question Paper PDF)
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